In what should have been a fairly straightforward hand, the preflop situation was drawn out for about 10 minutes as Mimi Luu (pictured) claims she didn’t know what to do.
Right around the time that the tournament staff stopped play and announced that each table would play six more hands, David “Doc” Sands raises UTG+1 to 34,000. Mimi Luu tells him, “I’m gonna do you a favor and raise 125.” She puts in 125,000, and the dealer tells her that is the amount of the raise, so she needs to add 34,000 to it, for a total of 159,000.
Tony Sinishtaj cold four-bets all in from the small blind for 990,000, and Sands folds. Luu gets flustered, and goes into the tank for nearly 10 minutes (though maybe it just seems that long), repeatedly saying things like “I can’t fold this hand,” and “I don’t know what to do.” She has about 355,000 behind if she folds, and spends most of her time in the tank loudly talking to nobody in particular.
Luu asks, “Do you have a strong hand? Do you have aces?” Sinishtaj seems very relaxed, like he could care less whether or not she calls. A little later she says, “If you have ace-king, you wouldn’t do that, right?” Sinishtaj says nothing, but still seems comfortable.
Luu turns to Doc Sands and says, “You would snap-call with this hand.” Sands laughs and says, “I’m inclined to believe you.”
Luu then continues to repeat, “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do!” Another player at the tables says, “She needs a life coach right now.” Then she says, “I can’t fold this. I can’t fold this. I can’t fold this.” Nobody has called the clock, because the clock has already been stopped for the end of the day. Regardless of how long this hand lasts, the table will play six more hands.
Eventually, she grabs some chips and says, “Okay, I’m in!” She drops the chips to indicate a call, and Sinishtaj shows
. Luu flips over
, and she then begs the dealer for some help, saying, “Help me! You’ve gotta help me!” It seems she’s begging him to avoid a bad beat.
The board comes
, and the pocket kings hold up for Mimi Luu to win the pot and double up in chips. When the river card hits, Luu celebrates by shouting, “Yes! Oh yes, baby!”
Luu then tells the table, “Thank you all for your patience. I worked so hard to get this deep.” She then turns to Sands and says, “I told you if you had my hand you’d snap call!” Sands replies, “And I told you you were right!”
Mimi Luu – 1,150,000 (71 bb)
Tony Sinishtaj – 465,000 (29 bb)