$250 No Limit Hold’em Deep Stack Turbo
Level 28: 30,000/60,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Registered: 229
Players Remaining: 4

Aleksandr Shemelev raises to 120,000 under-the-gun and is called by Payam Pourghassem in the cutoff and Jermaine Gerlin out of the big blind.
The flop is and Fierlin moves all in for 810,000. Shevelev goes into the tank for a minute and gets an exact count from the dealer before calling.
Pourghassem puts his hands on his head and goes into a tank of his own Pourghassem eventually moves all in for 1,110,000 and Shevelev calls.
It’s by far the biggest pot of the tournament with just shy of 3 million in the middle. Gerlin shows , good for top pair and a straight draw, Shevelev shows
, giving him top pair and a better kicker and Pourghassem has the same straight draw as Gerlin with his
The turn is and the river is the
to keep Shevelev in the lead and drag the pot.
They count down the stacks and verify that Shevelev has Pourghassem covered by just one 5,000 denomination chip. Shevelev knocks out two players and takes a monstrous chip lead on the rest of the final table.
With Pourghassem having more chips than Gerlin, he takes home the fifth place cash worth $2,885 and Gerlin earns $2,405 for his sixth place finish.

Aleksandr Shevelev – 2,900,000
Payam Pourghassem – Eliminated
Jermaine Gerlin – Eliminated