$350 No Limit Hold’em Six-max
Level 22: 6,000/12,000 with a 2,000 ante
Players Remaining: 5/176
Average Stack: 352,000
James Glenn raised to 27,000 on the button and Miguel Martinez called out of the small blind. They were heads-up to a flop of and Martinez bet 30,000.
Glenn called and the turn was the . Martinez moved all in for effectively Glenn’s remaining 160,000, which sent him into the tank.
“I think your hand is the six of spades,” said Glenn. “I think that’s your hand.”
Glenn spent a few minutes in the tank before calling. Martinez showed and was in bad shape against Glenn’s
The river was the and Glenn doubled up through the one time chip leader.
James Glenn – 445,000
Miguel Martinez – 170,000