Event 23: Ryan Laplante Eliminated by Chris Bolek

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 16: 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 68 of 529

Ryan Laplante moved all in from under the gun for 46,000 and Chris Bolek called from early position. Laplante showed 3c3d and needed help against Bolek’s QsQd.

The board ran out AhJc2d2c2h and Laplante hit the rail, earning a min-cash worth $4,600 for his efforts.

Chris Bolek – 205,000 (51 bb)
Ryan Laplante – Eliminated 

Event 23: Racener Flops Broadway, the Bubble Bursts

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 16: 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 71 of 529

The cutoff got things started with a raise to 10,000. The button called and Seminole Hard Rock Tampa team member John Racener defended the big blind. The flop was AdJhTd. Racener checked and the cutoff jammed for 57,500. The button folded and Racener called tabling KdQs for Broadway. The cutoff held AxTx for two pair and needed to improve to a boat if he hoped to stay alive.

The turn and river were no help and Racener eliminated his lone opponent. Simultaneously at a neighboring table, another player hit the rail. With that, the tournament hit the 71-player threshold with no hand-for-hand play necessary to hit the money.

John Racener rakes the pot
John Racener rakes the pot

All players are now in the money and have locked up $4,600 with the tournament’s winner earning $246,400.

John Racener – 200,000 (50 bb)

Event 23: Mark Smith Flopped a Royal Flush

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 16: 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 73 of 529

On the river with a completed of AhKhJh7d7s, Jake Bazeley bet 33,000 out of the big blind and Mark Smith moved all in for 61,000 from under the gun.

Bazeley thought for about a minute before folding and showing an ace. Smith showed QhTh and the table audibly admired Smith’s monster of a hand.

Mark Smith – 170,000 (42 bb)
Jake Bazeley – 125,000 (31 bb)

Event 23: Kilpatrick Eliminated by Young

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 16: 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 73 of 529

Justin Young (left) and Kory Kilpatrick (right)
Justin Young (left) and Kory Kilpatrick (right)

In a three-bet pot, Kory Kilpatrick was out of position versus Justin Young in the big blind. The flop fell Ts5h2d and both players checked.

The turn was the 3s. Young lead for 21,000. Kilpatrick called.

Fifth street fell the 4d and Young, who had Kilpatrick covered, moved all in. Kilpatrick needed little time to decide to call. Young turned over Ac6d for a six-high straight. Kilpatrick flipped over AdAd and was second best. He hit the rail just shy of the money while Young scooped the pot.

Justin Young – 317,000 (79 bb)
Kory Kilpatrick – Eliminated

Event 23: Chad Eveslage Chips Up With a Very Small Full House

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 16: 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 73 of 529

Chad Eveslage
Chad Eveslage

On a flop of AdKc3d, Chad Eveslage checked from the big blind and the cutoff bet 8,000. Eveslage check-raised to 25,000 and the cutoff called.

Both players checked the Ac turn card and the Kh came on the river. Eveslage checked and the cutoff bet 21,000. Eveslage thought for a couple minutes before calling.

The cutoff showed 9c9h, good for nine-high after his pair was boarded off, and Eveslage tabled 3c3s. Eveslage wins the pot with threes full as the money bubble approaches.

Chad Eveslage – 205,000 (51 bb)

Event 23: Next Up, the Bubble

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 16: 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 77 of 529

The clock shows 77 players remaining earn in Level 16 with only the top 71 finishing in the money. The 72-player money bubble is right around the corner. After it bursts, those players still left will have locked up $4,600 with the tournament’s champion pocketing $246,400.

Full payouts:

Prize Pool

Event 23: James Gilbert Moves Over 300,000 Chip Mark

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 15: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 86 of 529

James Gilbert
James Gilbert

On the river with a completed board of 8h5d4c9d8s, Jon Turner checked from the big blind and James Gilbert bet 53,000 from middle position.

Turner called and Gilbert quickly tabled Tc8c, good for trip eights. Turner mucked his hand and Gilbert won the pot to move over the 300,000 chip mark and become one of the bigger stacks remaining.

James Gilbert – 305,000
Jon Turner – 105,000

Event 23: Darryll Fish Jams On Jeremy Ausmus

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 15: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 86 of 529

SHRP Team member Darryll Fish raised to 6,500 from the cutoff and Jeremy Ausmus defended his big blind.

The flop was 6d5d3h and Ausmus checked. Fish bet 7,000 and Ausmus check-raised to 17,000 and Fish called.

Both players checked the 6s turn and the Td came on the river. Ausmus checked and Fish moved all in for about 50,000. Ausmus quickly folded and Fish took the pot.

Darryll Fish – 93,000
Jeremy Ausmus – 80,000

Event 23: Barbour Eliminated by Bazeley

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Level 15: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 90 of 529

Natasha Barbour (right) and John Racener
Natasha Barbour (right) and John Racener

Seminole Hard Rock Poker team member Natasha Barbour was severely short stacked and open-shoved for just 4,000. It folded to Jake Bazeley on the button and he raised to 8,500. The blinds folded and Barbour was at risk.

Barbour: AcTh
Bazeley: KdJh

A KcTs9h flop improved both players, but left Bazeley with the best of it. The turn Qh gave Barbour additional outs, but the river 3d wasn’t one of them. Barbour became one of the faces to hit the rail early on Day 2.

Less than 30 minutes into play, the clock shows 90 players remaining and the bubble is right around the corner.

Jake Bazeley – 65,000
Natasha Barbour – Eliminated

Event 23: Noah Bronstein Doubles Through Ryan Laplante

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
Heading to Level 15: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 90 of 529

Noah Bronstein
Noah Bronstein

Noah Bronstein was in the small blind and got his last 34,500 into the middle preflop against Ryan Laplante in early position.

Laplante showed 9c9s and was in trouble against Bronsteins’ ThTs.

The board ran out QxQx3xTx4x and Bronstein turned a full house to leave Laplante drawing dead to the river. Bronstein gets an early double up and Laplante loses about half of his stack.

Noah Bronstein – 75,000
Ryan Laplante – 38,000