Event 7: Elliott Zaydman Eliminated by Asher Conniff

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO
Level 16: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 10 of 94

Pot Limit Omaha 

On a flop of 8d4h3c, Elliott Zaydman got all in for about 25,000 and got action from Asher Conniff.

Zaydman showed 9x7x6x3x and was up against Conniff’s KdQh5h2d.

The turn was the 9h and the river was the As. Conniff rivers the wheel and Zaydman was eliminated in 11th place.

There is a short pause in the action while the final 10 players re-draw for seats at the unofficial final table.

Asher Connif – 131,000
Elliott Zaydman – Eliminated 

Event 7: Bradley Young Trips Up Asher Conniff

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO
Level 16: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 11 of 94

Bradley Young
Bradley Young

No Limit Hold’em 

Bradley Young raises to 6,500 from the hijack and Asher Conniff defended his big blind.

They were heads-up to a flop of JsTs4s and both players checked. The turn was the Th and Conniff bet 5,500. Young raised to 12,500 and Conniff called.

The river was the 6h and Conniff checked. Young  bet 18,000 and Conniff quickly called.

Young showed AsTd and Conniff flashed the Tc before mucking his hand.

Bradley Young – 130,000
Asher Conniff – 97,000

Event 7: Joel Harwood Eliminated by Cesar Fuentes

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO
Level 15: 1,200/2,400 with a 400 ante
Players Remaining: 11 of 94

No Limit Hold’em 

On a flop of JhTh4s, Cesar Fuentes bet 6,800 from middle position and Joel Harwood moved all in on the button for about 40,000. Fuentes quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Fuentes showed KcJs and was in bad shape against Harwood’s JcTc. The turn was the Ks, however, and Fuentes took the lead to leave Harwood drawing to two outs on the river.

The river was the 7h and Harwood hits the rail just shy of the money and Fuentes earned the bounty.

There are 11 players remaining and after one more elimination, the final 10 players will re-draw for seats at the unofficial final table and will be on the money bubble.

Cesar Fuentes – 145,000
Joel Harwood – Eliminated 

Event 7: Cesar Fuentes Doubles Through Joel Harwood

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO (Single Re-Entry)
Level 15: 1,200/2,400 with a 300 ante
Players Remaining: 12 of 94

Cesar Fuentes
Cesar Fuentes

No-Limit Hold’em

Cesar Fuentes opened to 4,800 in the cutoff, and Joel Harwood three-bet to 13,000 in the small blind. Fuentes called.

The flop came 9c8c2d. Harwood moved all in with the larger stack, and Fuentes instantly called all in for 29,600, putting himself at risk.

Fuentes: AdAh
Harwood: Ac5c

“Whoa,” Fuentes said, standing from his chair. “Oh no. How do you have that?” He was ahead, but he didn’t seem to like Harwood’s flush draw.

The 6d turn gave Harwood additional outs to a straight. “Whoa!” Fuentes said again, leaning over the table to examine the situation.

The river was the blank 5s, and Fuentes faded the draws, doubling up with a pair of aces.

Cesar Fuentes – 88,600 (37 bb)
Joel Harwood – 28,000 (12 bb)

Event 7: Marc Schiller Eliminated by Schneur Borenstein

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO
Level 14: 1,000/2,000 with a 300 ante
Players Remaining: 12 of 94

No-Limit Hold’em

Marc Schiller raised to about 11,000 from the cutoff and Schneur Borenstein three-bets on the button. Schiller called and was all in for about 31,000.

It was a flip for Schiller’s tournament life with his AcQc up against Borenstein’s 9d9c.

The board ran out KhJs4c4s7c and Borenstein won the pot to eliminate Schiller and pick up a $200 bounty.

Schneur Borenstein – 85,000
Marc Schiller – Eliminated 

Event 7: Cesar Fuentes Doubles Through Joel Harwood

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO
Level 14: 1,000/2,000 with a 300 ante
Players Remaining: 13 of 94

Pot Limit Omaha 

Cesar Fuentes raised to 7,000 from under the gun and Joel Harwood called from the cutoff. Jon Brody came along from the big blind and they were three-handed to a flop of Ks9s4c.

Brody checked, Fuentes bet 12,000, Harwood called, and Brody folded. The turn was the 4h and Fuentes put his last 2,000 into the middle. Harwood called.

Fuentes showed JsTsTc3c and was up against Harwood’s Th8c7s6s. The river was the 7h and Fuentes won the pot to double up.

Cesar Fuentes – 50,000
Joel Harwood – 60,000

Event 7: Jon Brody Knocks One Out

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO (Single Re-Entry)
Level 14: 1,000/2,000 with a 300 ante
Players Remaining: 14 of 94

John Brody
Jon Brody

Pot-Limit Omaha

Jon Brody limped in from early position, and the player on the button raised to 6,000. Brody re-raised to 21,000, and the button called to see a flop.

It came AcTs9c. Brody bet the pot, and the button called all in for just over 40,000 total, putting himself at risk.

Brody: AhAsKs3s
Button: KcQc7c5s

The 7s turn and 4s river completed the board. Brody won the pot with the nut flush, reducing the field by one in the process.

Jon Brody – 140,000 (70 bb)

Event 7: Joseph Marzilli Eliminated by Marc Levy

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO
Level 14: 1,000/2,000 with a 300 ante
Players Remaining: 15 of 94

Marc Levy
Marc Levy

No Limit Hold’em 

Joseph Marzilli moved all in from under the gun for 16,500 and Marc Levy called from the small blind.

“You got a pair?” asked Marzilli.

Levy didn’t respond and showed AcAh. He was in the lead and in good shape against Marzilli’s 8s8h.

The board ran out 7s4s2d2hKc and Levy’s aces held up to send him the pot and eliminate Marzilli.

“I’m fighting back,” said Levy referring to the pot he lost to Mahaffey.

“Yea, there is a lot of fighting going on there,” said Jon Brody. “You got dealt aces and someone shoved on you.”

Marc Levy – 150,000
Joseph Marzilli – Eliminated 

Event 7: Harold Mahaffey Flops Quads, Takes The Chip Lead

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO (Single Re-Entry)
Level 13: 800/1,600 with a 200 ante
Players Remaining: 17 of 94

Harold Mahaffey
Harold Mahaffey

Pot Limit Omaha

There was 25,600 in the middle on the turn and a board of ThTc5h4h. Marc Levy was in the big blind and asked the dealer how much is in the pot. The dealer gave him an answer and then Levy checked.

The player in middle position bet 15,000 and Harold Mahaffey called from the hijack. Action was back on Levy and he potted it to 85,600.

Middle position moved all in for about the amount of the raise and Mahaffey moved all in for 102,100. Levy called the additional 16,500 and the cards were tabled.

Middle position showed AhJh6s6d, good for the nut flush, Levy showed 5c5s7d2h, good for fives full, but Mahaffey had everybody drawing dead with his KhQhTdTs, good for quad tens.

The river was an irrelevant 7c and Mahaffey dragged the massive pot to almost triple up and take the chip lead. The player in middle position was eliminated and Mahaffey earned an extra $200 for the knockout.

Mahaffey puts himself in a good position to make his second final table in as many days. Mahaffey finished fourth in yesterday’s $300 HORSE event for just over $2,000.

Harold Mahaffey – 305,000
Marc Levy – 106,000

Event 7: Dinner Break

$570 Double Black Chip Bounty NLH/PLO (Single Re-Entry)
Level 12: 600/1,200 with a 200 ante
Players Remaining: 19 of 94


The final 19 players are on a 40-minute dinner break. Action will resume just after 7:15 p.m. and will continue until a winner is determined.

Here’s how the field stacks up:

Marc Levy – 225,000
Unknown – 104,400
Kevin Ho – 101,100
Mark Guadino – 100,000
Asher Conniff – 97,000
John Palace – 92,000
Jon Brody – 83,100
Harold Mahaffey – 81,100
Joel Harwood – 75,000
Barry Gallaher – 61,000
Joseph Marzilli – 59,000
Bradley Young – 45,000
Elliott Zaydmen – 43,000
Matthew Silva – 40,000
Unknown – 39,000
John Grady – 39,000
Marc Schiller – 36,000
Borenstein Schneur – 29,000
Charles Chan – 23,200