All posts by Brittany Paige

Event 12: Nigel Murray Eliminated by Jack Duong

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 19: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 23 of 395

Nigel Murray

Nigel Murray moved all in for 107,000 preflop with Kc10c and Jack Duong called with KsQd.

The board came Qc6c3d10hJs and Duong hit a pair of queens, eliminating Murray in 24th place, ending his quest for another final table this series.

Jack Duong  –  300,000  (38 bb)
Nigel Murray  –  Eliminated in 24th Place ($8,320)

Event 12: Aaron Massey Doubles Through Ryan McKnight

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 19: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 25 of 395

Aaron Massey

On a flop of Kc6c8h Ryan McKnight had 90,000 in front of him, Aaron Massey moved all in for 193,000 and McKnight called.

Aaron Massey:  10c9c  win 48.0%
Ryan McKnight: KsQs  win 52.0%

The board ran out 8d, 2c and Massey hit his flush on the river securing his double.

Aaron Massey  –  460,000
Ryan McKnight  – 70,000

Event 12: Redraw at 27

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 19: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 27 of 395

Table 47
Seat 1:  Tom Thomas
Seat 2:  Eddy Sabat
Seat 3:  Bill McKown
Seat 4:  Alex Condon
Seat 5:  Darren Elias
Seat 6: Aaron Massey
Seat 7: Jason Koon
Seat 8: Darryl Ronconi
Seat 9: Raj Vohra

Table 48
Seat 1: David Bradshaw
Seat 2: Curt Kohlberg
Seat 3: Paul Domb
Seat 4: Ronit Chamani
Seat 5: Ryan McKnight
Seat 6: Paul Balzano
Seat 7: Jeremy White
Seat 8: Barry Hutter
Seat 9: Charles Gomez

Table 56
Seat 1: Jeremy Ausmus
Seat 2: Faraz Jaka
Seat 3: Jack Duong
Seat 4: Alberto Rodriguez
Seat 5: Vlad Mezheritsky
Seat 6: Nigel Murray
Seat 7: Alex Foxen
Seat 8: Manny Minaya
Seat 9: Jacquelyn Scott

Event 12: Eddy Sabat Doubles Through Jason Koon

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 18: 3,000/6,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 29 of 395

Jason Koon (left)  Eddy Sabat (right)

Blind versus blind Eddy Sabat was all in for 87,500 with Ac9c and called by Jason Koon with As3s.

The board came Kc5c9dQhJs and Sabat’s pair of nines secured him the double.

Eddy Sabat  –  165,000  (28 bb)
Jason Koon  –  510,000  (85 bb)

Event 12: Dave Prociak Eliminated in 31st Place

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 18: 3,000/6,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 30 of 395

Dave Prociak (left) Ronit Chamani (right)

Dan O’Brien opened to 13,000 from under the gun, Dave Prociak moved all in for 81,500 and Ronit Chamani three-bet all. O’Brien folded.

Chamani turned over JcJh and was in good shape against Prociak’s 10c10s.

The board came 8c5d4d4s8s and Chamani’s pocket jacks held eliminating Prociak in 31st place.

Ronit Chamani  –  300,000  (50 bb)
David Prociak  –  Eliminated in 31st place ($5,600)

Event 12: Brian Altman Eliminated by Jason Koon

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 18: 3,000/6,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 32 of 395

Brian Altman limped the button, Jason Koon made it 24,000 and Altman called.

The flop came Kd6h3h, Koon bet 40,000, Altman moved all in for 185,000 and Koon called. Altman turned over 10h8h and needed to get lucky against Koon’s Kh10d.

The board ran out a full house for Koon Kc, 3s eliminating Altman in 33rd place.

Jason Koon  –  880,000 (147 bb)
Brian Altman  –  Eliminated in 33rd place ($5,600)

Event 12: Cate Hall Eliminated by Ryan McKnight in 34th Place

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 18: 3,000/6,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 33 of 395

Cate Hall

Cate Hall moved all in from the big blind for around 90,000 with Ac9h and Ryan McKnight called from the button with KcQd.

The board came Jd10c3s9c2d and McKnight’s king high straight eliminated Hall in 34th place.

Ryan McKnight  –  460,000
Cate Hall  –  Eliminated in 34th place ($5,600)

Event 12: Jacquelyn Scott Takes Two Out

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 18: 3,000/6,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 35 of 395

Jacquelyn Scott

Ken Einiger, Matt Salsberg and Jacquelyn Scott were all in preflop with Scott having both of her opponents covered.

Jackie Scott –  KcKd  win 52.7%  tie 0.58%
Matt Salsberg  –  QcQs  win 17.9%  tie 0.40%
Ken Einiger  –  AhKh  in 28.9%  tie  0.58%

The board came 7c6c4h8hJc and Scott’s pocket kings held, scoring her the double knockout.

Jacquelyn Scott  –  360,000
Matt Salsberg  –  Eliminated in 37th place ($5,000)
Ken Einiger –  Eliminated in 36th place ($5,600)

Event 12: Manny Minaya Doubles Through Blake Bohn

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 17: 2,500/5,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 41 of 395

Manny Minaya (left) Blake Bohn (right)

Manny Minaya opened to 12,000, Blake Bohn three-bet shoved around 180,000 and Minaya called all in for 129,500.

Minaya turned over AsAc and was in good shape to double against Bohn’s 10h10d. The board came Ks9d8d5d6s and Minaya’s pocket aces held, securing him the double and leaving Bohn short.

Bohn was eliminated shortly after.

Manny Minaya  –  290,000 (58 bb)
Blake Bohn  –  Eliminated in 42nd place ($5,000)

Event 12: Battle of the big stacks

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 17: 2,500/5,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 42 of 395

Barry Hutter (left) Brian Altman (middle) Jason Koon (right)

Barry Hutter opened to 12,000 from middle position, Jason Koon three-bet to 35,000 and Hutter called.

The flop came 9c9c4h Hutter checked, Koon bet 24,000, and Hutter called. The 10d came on the turn, Hutter checked, and Koon bet 75,000. Hutter thought a little, then called.

The Kd hit the river, Hutter checked and Koon turned over QhQd and Hutter mucked. Koon goes “Just tell me later sometime” and Hutter nodded. Jason Koon, the birthday boy, is the new chip leader.

Jason Koon  –  590,000  (118 bb)
Barry Hutter  –  370,000  (74 bb)