Event 12: Battle of the big stacks

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 17: 2,500/5,000 with a 500 ante
Players Remaining: 42 of 395

Barry Hutter (left) Brian Altman (middle) Jason Koon (right)

Barry Hutter opened to 12,000 from middle position, Jason Koon three-bet to 35,000 and Hutter called.

The flop came 9c9c4h Hutter checked, Koon bet 24,000, and Hutter called. The 10d came on the turn, Hutter checked, and Koon bet 75,000. Hutter thought a little, then called.

The Kd hit the river, Hutter checked and Koon turned over QhQd and Hutter mucked. Koon goes “Just tell me later sometime” and Hutter nodded. Jason Koon, the birthday boy, is the new chip leader.

Jason Koon  –  590,000  (118 bb)
Barry Hutter  –  370,000  (74 bb)