Championship: Aaron Steury Doubles Through Benny Glaser

$3,500 LHPO Championship (Re-Entry)
$2,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  6,000/12,000 with a 12,000 ante
Players Remaining:  95 of 1,188

Aaron Steury

Benny Glaser raised to 26,000 from early position, Aaron Steury reraised all in for 323,000 from the button, and Glaser called.

Glaser:  AcQh
Steury:  KcKd

The board ran out Jh3c2c3d7c, safe for Steury to double up.

Aaron Steury  –  676,000  (56 bb)
Benny Glaser  –  560,000  (47 bb)