Championship: Daniel Blum Eliminated by Viet Vo

$3,500 WPT Poker Showdown Championship
$2,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 28: 75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante
Players Remaining: 15 of 2,482

Daniel Blum

Viet Vo opened to 250,000 from under the gun and Daniel Blum moved all in for 850,000 from the hijack. The rest of the tables folds and Vo called.

Vo: KsJh
Blum: QdQc

Blum was ahead for the double up and the Th9c3h flop was safe(ish). The 3c turn changed nothing but the river Kh paired Vo’s king to send Blum out in 16th place. The second straight knockout with queens not holding.

Viet Vo – 11,350,000 (90 bb)
Daniel Blum – Eliminated in 16th Place ($65,050)