Event 1: Josef Shertzer Eliminated by Leif Force

$400 Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 22:  10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining: 227 of 4,699

Josef Shertzer

Josef Shertzer open-shoved from middle position for 290,000 and Leif Force called next to act. The rest of the table folded and Force showed another big hand.

Force: QdQh
Shertzer: 7d7h

Shertzer was dominated and didn’t have suits for a miracle. The board ran out JcTc2d6c8h, Shertzer was eliminated and Force moved up to 1,550,000.

Leif Force – 1,550,000 (78 bb)
Josef Shertzer – Eliminated in 165th Place ($1,340)