Event 11: Pablo Fernandez – 3rd Place ($39,724)

$2,200 Eight-Handed NLH (Single Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | PayoutsStructure
Level 23: 15,000/30,000 with a 30,000 ante
Players Remaining: 2 of 170

Pablo Fernandez

Pablo Fernandez moved all in from the small blind and Matthew Yorra was in the big blind with 605,000.

“I haven’t looked yet,” said Yorra. “Are you ready?”

Yorra looked at his hand and then snap-called. Yorra showed AcAh and was in great shape against Fernandez’s KcQd.

The board ran out 9d8d5c5h3c and Yorra doubled up.

A couple hands later, Justin Young limped in on the button and Fernandez moved all in out of the small blind for 300,000. Yorra called and Young folded.

Fernandez showed Ah6s and needed a three-outer against Yorra’s As9s.

The board ran out Jd5s2d7cTc and Yorra won the pot to eliminate Fernandez in third place for $39,724. Yorra takes a slight chip lead into heads-up play against Young.

Matthew Yorra – 1,500,000
Pablo Fernandez – Eliminated