Event 40: Jill Rukeyser Doubles; Franco Zamboli Out 40th; Roberto Bendeck Out 37th

$150 Big Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$50,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  5,000/15,000 with a 15,000 ante
Players Remaining:  34 of 873

Roberto Bendeck and Jill Rukeyser
Roberto Bendeck (left) and Jill Rukeyser

Roberto Bendeck moved all in under the gun, and Jill Rukeyser called all in from UTG+1 for about 150,000 with 5s5c. Bendeck turned over Ad9s, and Rukeyser needed her hand to hold to stay alive.

The board came Qc4c2hKh3c, and the pocket fives held up for Rukeyser to win the pot and double up in chips.

Jill Rukeyser  –  335,000  (22 bb)

Bendeck was left with a short stack, and he was eliminated a few minutes later in 37th place.

Roberto Bendeck  –  Eliminated in 37th Place  ($555)

Kevin Buldo
Kevin Buldo

But before Bendeck’s elimination, Franco Zamboli was eliminated when his Kh7h went up against Kevin Buldo’s Ac6s.

The final board showed Ks7s5h8c9s — Zamboli had flopped two pair, but Buldo rivered a nine-high straight to win the pot and eliminate Zamboli in 40th place.

Kevin Buldo  –  600,000  (40 bb)
Franco Zamboli  –  Eliminated in 40th Place  ($555)

And here is the most recent batch of eliminations, along with their payouts:

35th:  Brandon Miller  –  $615
36th:  Wilmer Chavira  –  $615

37th:  Roberto Bendeck  –  $555
38th:  Eric Morales  –  $555
39th:  Shawn Mohamed  –  $555
40th:  Franco Zamboli  –  $555
41st:  Wongduan Nannong  –  $555
42nd:  Michael Casson  –  $555
43rd:  Luis Mantilla  –  $555
44th:  Carlos Fernandez  –  $555

With 34 players remaining, the average chip stack is about 385,000 (26 big blinds), and the remaining players are guaranteed at least $615 each. The next pay jump will be $690 for 27th place.