$1,700 Purple Chip Bounty NLH (Re-Entry)
$100,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 14: 1,500/3,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 13 of 108
Day 2 is Monday at 1 p.m.
Table 3
Seat 1: Max Kingstone – 78,500 (26 bb)
Seat 2: Jack Gewirz – 45,000 (15 bb)
Seat 3: Paul Lampl – 62,000 (21 bb)
Seat 4: Upeshka De Silva – 393,500 (131 bb)
Seat 5: Scot Margereson – 142,500 (48 bb)
Seat 6: Denis Cyr – 117,000 (39 bb)
Seat 7:
Seat 8:
Seat 9:
Table 4
Seat 1: Anibal Pabon – 157,000 (52 bb)
Seat 2: Kevin MacDonald – 484,500 (161 bb)
Seat 3: David Mzareylov – 168,500 (56 bb)
Seat 4: Rishi Makkar – 67,500 (23 bb)
Seat 5: Amit Ezra – 268,000 (89 bb)
Seat 6: Tim Capretta – 125,000 (42 bb)
Seat 7: Mike Liang – 55,000 (18 bb)
Seat 8:
Seat 9:
1st: $31,855 + LHPO Trophy
2nd: $19,980
3rd: $12,000
4th: $7,830
5th: $6,050
6th: $5,000
7th: $4,215
8th: $3,670
9th-10th: $3,240
11th-12th: $2,860
13th: $2,600
14th: Fawaz Siddiqui – $2,600