High Roller: Barry Hutter – 8th Place ($101,900)

$25,500 High Roller (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  7 of 132

Barry Hutter
Barry Hutter

Barry Hutter got it all in from middle position for 640,000 with KdKc, and he needed his hand to hold to stay alive against the AdKs of Jorge Gomez on the button.

The board came Qh4s4d8sAs, and Gomez paired his ace on the river to win the pot and eliminate Hutter in eighth place.

Jorge Gomez  –  2,850,000  (57 bb)
Barry Hutter  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($101,900)

With seven players remaining from a field of 132, the average chip stack is around 1,885,000 (38 big blinds). The remaining players are guaranteed to earn at least $115,115 each.