$560 Deeper Stack No Limit Hold’em
Level 25: 20,000/40,000/5,000 Ante
Players Remaining: 9/452

James Salmon is your $560 Deeper Stack chip leader following a major hand against previous pace setter Andrew Gordon. The board was complete and Gordon bet enough to put Salmon all-in. Salmon called off holding pocket aces for an overpair. Gordon flipped over an ace-high bluff and sent nearly 1,000,000 additional chips the way of Salmon.
Salmon’s stack now totals 3,745,000.
Final table update:
Seat 1: Danny Notice – 2,305,000
Seat 2: Javier Sarache – 2,985,000
Seat 3: Kevin Curran – 2,135,000
Seat 4: Daren Stabinski – 1,600,000
Seat 5: Tom Macey – 10th Place ($2,938)
Seat 6: Andrew Gordon – 1,460,000
Seat 7: Almog Biton – 1,180,000
Seat 8: Yoram Lehavot – 1,335,000
Seat 9: James Salmon – 3,745,000
Seat 10: Chad Eveslage – 1,265,000
1st – $57,746 + $1,650 Seat
2nd – $33,335
3rd – $20,340
4th – $16,385
5th – $12,882
6th – $10,735
7th – $8,588
8th – $6,554
9th – $4,520
Results are available throughout the posts below.