Super High Roller 1: Dan Smith Leads the Field at the Break with 407,500

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Level 7:  2,000/3,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining:  12 of 18

Dan Smith
Chipleader Dan Smith

The players returned from break to begin Level 7, with increased blinds of 2,000-3,000 with a big blind ante of 3,000.

With 12 players remaining from a field of 18, the average chip stack is about 188,000 (63 big blinds). Registration remains open with a single re-entry option until the end of the dinner break, around 8:20 pm. With 18 entries so far, the prizepool is up to $873,000.

Here are the official chip counts from the break:

Seat 1.  Dan Smith  –  407,500  (136 bb)
Seat 2.  Jake Schindler  –  39,500  (13 bb)
Seat 3.  Cary Katz  –  52,500  (18 bb)
Seat 4.  Steven Veneziano  –  69,000  (23 bb)
Seat 5.  Sam Soverel  –  80,500  (27 bb)
Seat 6.  
Seat 7.  Chris Brewer  –  322,500  (108 bb)
Seat 8.  Sean Perry  –  236,000  (79 bb)

Seat 1.  
Seat 2.  Elio Fox  –  301,500  (101 bb)
Seat 3.  
Seat 4.  Nick Petrangelo  –  37,500  (13 bb)
Seat 5.  
Seat 6.  Sergi Reixach  –  307,500  (103 bb)
Seat 7.  Sean Winter  –  279,000  (93 bb)
Seat 8.  Giuseppe Iadisernia  –  117,000  (39 bb)