Super High Roller 2: Dan Smith – 2nd Place ($351,625), Zhuang Ruan Wins ($562,600)

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  1 of 29

Zhuang Ruan

Dan Smith limped in on the button and Zhuang Ruan checked his option in the big blind.

The flop was JcJs2s and Ruan led for 125,000. Smith called and the turn was the Qc.

Ruan bet again, this time 250,000 and Smith called. The river was the Kh.

Ruan shoved all in for effectively Smith’s remaining 585,000. Smith mulled over his decision for a while before eventually committing the chips.

Ruan showed Jd8h, good for trip jacks, and he won the pot against Smith’s AcQd.

Dan Smith
Dan Smith

Zhuang Ruan – Super High Roller Champion
Dan Smith – Eliminated in 2nd Place