Main Event: Jason Young Leads Live-Stream Final Table

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining: 9 of 1,634

Jason Young

The WPTDeepStacks Main Event final table is set and we have nine players taking an overnight break before returning tomorrow to play it out. They will move across the hall to the Salon West room and sit on the stage trying to win the title along with $260,000.

WSOP bracelet winner Jason Young holds a huge lead, holding more than double the chips as second place Kevin Chan.

Cards will go back in the air on Tuesday at noon with the live-stream on a 30-minute delay and showing hole cards.

Seat 1: Kevin Chan – 6,550,000 (33 bb)
Seat 2: Stephen Ibrahim – 2,175,000 (11 bb)
Seat 3: Paul James Hizer – 3,400,000 (17 bb)
Seat 4: Quinn Bruno – 2,350,000 (12 bb)
Seat 5: David Inselberg – 6,425,000 (32 bb)
Seat 6: Jason Young – 14,750,000 (74 bb)
Seat 7: Pedro Aldave – 5,675,000 (28 bb)
Seat 8: Leif Force – 5,075,000 (25 bb)
Seat 9: Eddy Sabat – 2,600,000 (13 bb)

By chip counts:

  1. Jason Young – 14,750,000 (74 bb)
  2. Kevin Chan – 6,550,000 (33 bb)
  3. David Inselberg – 6,425,000 (32 bb)
  4. Pedro Aldave – 5,675,000 (28 bb)
  5. Leif Force – 5,075,000 (25 bb)
  6. Paul James Hizer – 3,400,000 (17 bb)
  7. Eddy Sabat – 2,600,000 (13 bb)
  8. Quinn Bruno – 2,350,000 (12 bb)
  9. Stephen Ibrahim – 2,175,000 (11 bb)

Remaining payouts:

1st: $260,205 + $3,000 WPTDS Championship Package
2nd: $183,540
3rd: $119,820
4th: $89,000
5th: $66,760
6th: $53,785
7th: $43,930
8th: $34,125
9th: $26,025

Main Event: Nick Yunis Eliminated by Leif Force

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining: 9 of 1,634

Nick Yunis

It did not take long to settle the matter after the break. Starting Day 3 leader Nick Yunis was sitting on 1,975,000 and moved all in from middle position. It folded to Leif Force and he called to put Yunis at risk.

Force: AcTh
Yunis: QdJs

Yunis had two live cards for a double but Force moved further ahead on the Ah9h2h flop. The 8s turn left Yunis with four gutshot outs but the 5h river blanked. He was eliminated in tenth place and the clock was paused.

The nine remaining players will return tomorrow to play it our for the Main Event title in front of the WPTDeepStacks live-stream cameras.

Leif Force – 5,075,000 (25 bb)
Nick Yunis – Eliminated in 10th place ($19,380)

Main Event: Break Counts

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining: 10 of 1,634

Shortly after they formed the final table, the ten remaining players took another break. Jason Young extended his lead with Stephen Ibrahim and Nick Yunis riding short stacks.

Seat 1: Kevin Chan – 6,550,000 (33 bb)
Seat 2: Stephen Ibrahim – 1,675,000 (8 bb)
Seat 3: Paul James Hizer – 3,400,000 (17 bb)
Seat 4: Nick Yunis – 1,975,000 (10 bb)
Seat 5: Quinn Bruno – 2,350,000 (12 bb)
Seat 6: David Inselberg – 6,525,000 (33 bb)
Seat 7: Jason Young – 14,750,000 (74 bb)
Seat 8: Pedro Aldave – 6,275,000 (31 bb)
Seat 9: Leif Force – 3,000,000 (15 bb)
Seat 10: Eddy Sabat – 2,500,000 (13 bb)

Remaining payouts:

1st: $260,205 + $3,000 WPTDS Championship Package
2nd: $183,540
3rd: $119,820
4th: $89,000
5th: $66,760
6th: $53,785
7th: $43,930
8th: $34,125
9th: $26,025
10th: $19,380

Main Event: Final Table Lineup

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31: 75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante
Players Remaining: 10 of 1,634

The ten-handed final table is set and everyone is on their new seats with Jason Young holding a huge lead.

Seat 1: Kevin Chan – 4,275,000 (29 bb)
Seat 2: Stephen Ibrahim – 1,550,000 (10 bb)
Seat 3: Paul James Hizer – 3,600,000 (24 bb)
Seat 4: Nick Yunis – 1,950,000 (13 bb)
Seat 5: Quinn Bruno – 1,700,000 (11 bb)
Seat 6: David Inselberg – 5,700,000 (38 bb)
Seat 7: Jason Young – 12,300,000 (82 bb)
Seat 8: Pedro Aldave – 6,550,000 (44 bb)
Seat 9: Leif Force – 6,800,000 (45 bb)
Seat 10: Eddy Sabat – 3,550,000 (24 bb)

Remaining payouts:

1st: $260,205 + $3,000 WPTDS Championship Package
2nd: $183,540
3rd: $119,820
4th: $89,000
5th: $66,760
6th: $53,785
7th: $43,930
8th: $34,125
9th: $26,025
10th: $19,380

Main Event: Gustavo Lopez Eliminated by Jason Young

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31: 75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante
Players Remaining: 10 of 1,634

Jason Young (left) and Gustavo Lopez (right) from the start of Day 3

Jason Young opened to 375,000 from the cutoff and Gustavo Lopez three-bet shoved for 1,725,000 from the big blind. Young quickly called looking for back-to-back knockouts.

Young: AdKd
Lopez: AhJd

Lopez was in a lot of trouble, picked up a small gutshot Broadway draw on the QcTs8h flop, but was unable to bounce back on the 5s turn or Td river. Lopez was eliminated in 11th place and tournament staff paused the clock to redraw the final table.

They will continue ten-handed until we lose on more player to create the WPTDeepStacks live-stream final table for tomorrow.

Jason Young – 12,300,000 (82 bb)
Gustavo Lopez – Eliminated in 11th place ($19,380)

Main Event: William Firebaugh Eliminated by Jason Young

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31: 75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante
Players Remaining: 11 of 1,634

William Firebaugh

William Firebaugh open-shoved for 1,100,000 from middle position and the move made it all the way around to Jason Young in the big blind. He checked his cards and called.

Young: KsTh
Firebaugh: KcQs

It looked like Firebaugh was going to double but bad news came right on the Td2s2c flop. Young moved into the lead and the 2h turn and 6d river ended Firebaugh’s run.

Jason Young – 10,800,000 (72 bb)
William Firebaugh – Eliminated in 12th place ($19,380)

Main Event: Sheddy Siddiqui Eliminated by David Inselberg

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31: 75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante
Players Remaining: 12 of 1,634

Sheddy Siddiqui

Sheddy Siddiqui three-bet shoved for 2,200,000 from the big blind after David Inselberg opened to 425,000. “Coldstone” called and Siddiqui was at risk.

Inselberg: AsAc
Siddiqui: Ah9h

Sheddy ran into a monster and could not come back on the QhJc6c6s7h board to exit in 13th place.

Dave Inselberg – 5,400,000 (36 bb)
Sheddy Siddiqui – Eliminated in 13th place ($19,380)

Main Event: Voytek Glab Eliminated by David Inselberg

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31: 75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante
Players Remaining: 13 of 1,634

Voytek Glab

In a quick move, Voytek Glab had his short stack in the middle and David Inselberg had him at risk.

Inselberg paired a six with 8s6h and Glab’s Qd7d could not catch up.

Dave Inselberg – 3,250,000 (26 bb)
Voytek Glab – Eliminated in 14th place ($14,965)

Main Event: Jack Shea Eliminated by Kevin Chan

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 30: 50,000/100,000 with a 100,000 ante
Players Remaining: 15 of 1,634

Jack Shea

Jack Shea open-shoved for 975,000 from the cutoff and Kevin Chan reshipped from the small blind for slightly more to get a fold from Jason Young in the big.

Shea: 3s3d
Chan: 4h4c

Shea was dominated and he could not find a save on the 7c5c2s5h9d board to go out in 16th place.

Kevin Chan – 2,250,000 (23 bb)
Jack Shea – Eliminated in 16th place ($11,930)

Main Event: Break Time Counts

$1,100 WPTDeepStacks Main Event
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 30: 50,000/100,000 with a 100,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 1,634

The only thing slowing things down today is the first break. The six remaining players took a walk away from the tables and returned with Jason Young leading.

Table 7
Seat 1: Jack Shea – 900,000 (9 bb)
Seat 2: — Empty —
Seat 3: Eddy Sabat – 1,550,000 (16 bb)
Seat 4: Kevin Chan – 3,600,000 (36 bb)
Seat 5: Jason Young – 7,900,000 (79 bb)
Seat 6: Leif Force – 4,750,000 (48 bb)
Seat 7: Quinn Bruno – 2,150,000 (22 bb)
Seat 8: Gustavo Lopez – 1,950,000 (20 bb)
Seat 9: William Firebaugh – 5,300,000 (53 bb)

Table 14
Seat 1: Paul James Hizer – 3,000,000 (30 bb)
Seat 2: Dave “Coldstone” Inselberg – 1,750,000 (18 bb)
Seat 3: Voytek Glab – 2,500,000 (25 bb)
Seat 4: Nick Yunis – 4,000,000 (40 bb)
Seat 5: — Empty —
Seat 6: Pedro Aldave – 2,600,000 (26 bb)
Seat 7: Daniel Eichhorn – 2,150,000 (22 bb)
Seat 8: Stephen Ibrahim – 2,525,000 (25 bb)
Seat 9: Sheddy Siddiqui – 1,250,000 (13 bb)

Remaining payouts:

1st: $260,205 + $3,000 WPTDS Championship Package
2nd: $183,540
3rd: $119,820
4th: $89,000
5th: $66,760
6th: $53,785
7th: $43,930
8th: $34,125
9th: $26,025
10th-12th: $19,380
13th-15th: $14,965
16th: $11,930