Event 31: “Miami” John Cernuto – 9th Place ($2,320)

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  10,000/20,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  8 of 78

John Cernuto
“Miami” John Cernuto

During a round of Omaha Hi/Lo, after a flop of Ac9h8c, “Miami” John Cernuto got it all in against Jean Gaspard.

Jean Gaspard:  AsJd7h3h  (pair of aces, gutshot straight draw, 8-7 low draw)
“Miami” John Cernuto:  Ad7c5s2c  (pair of aces, flush draw, double-gutshot straight draw, 8-5 low draw)

The turn card paired the board with the 8s, the river card was the Js, and with no qualifying lows, Gaspard won the pot with a higher two pair, aces and jacks, to eliminate Cernuto in ninth place.

Jean Gaspard  –  695,000  (35 bb)
“Miami” John Cernuto  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($2,320)

With eight players remaining from a field of 78, the average chip stack is about 195,000 (10 big bets). The remaining players are all guaranteed at least $2,630.

Event 31: Mark Gallo Doubles Thru Jean Gaspard

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  10,000/20,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  9 of 78

Mark Gallo
Mark Gallo

During a round of Limit Hold’em, Mark Gallo got it all in preflop from middle position for 37,000 with AdJd, and needed his hand to hold to stay alive against the Qh8h of Jean Gaspard, who was UTG+1.

The board came 5h5d5c4c3s, and Gallo won the pot with his ace to double up in chips.

Mark Gallo  –  89,000  (4 BB)
Jean Gaspard  –  525,000  (26 BB)

With nine players remaining from a field of 78, the average chip stack is about 173,000 (9 big bets). The remaining players are all guaranteed at least $2,320.

Event 31: Final Table Return

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  10,000/20,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  9 of 78

The SHRPO Championship is underway but we still have some business to settle in the $1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship. The final table returns at noon with nine tough players remaining all looking for the title.

Jean “Prince” Gaspard leads but it is still anybody’s game with talent at the five games needed to win it all. They are in the money and guaranteed at least $2,320 with $23,185 awaiting the H.O.R.S.E. Champion later today.

Seat 1:  Chris Tryba  –  96,000 (5 big bets)
Seat 2:  Barak Zaken  –  265,000 (13 big bets)
Seat 3:  Esther Taylor  –  200,000 (10 big bets)
Seat 4:  “Miami” John Cernuto  –  98,000 (5 big bets)
Seat 5:  Jean “Prince” Gaspard  –  441,000 (22 big bets)
Seat 6:  John Fahmy  –  120,000 (6 big bets)
Seat 7:  Mark Gallo  –  110,000 (5.5 big bets)
Seat 8:  Sam Panzica  –  74,000 (4 big bets)
Seat 9:  Aaron Kupin  –  155,000 (8 big bets)

Final Table Payouts
1st: $23,185 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd: $15,455
3rd: $10,305
4th: $7,160
5th: $5,200
6th: $3,945
7th: $3,140
8th: $2,630
9th: $2,320

SHRPO Day 16 Schedule

Primary Event Schedule

11AM: Day 1A – $5,250 SHRPO Championship

  • $3,000,000 Guaranteed Prize Pool
  • Players begin with 40,000 in chips
  • Levels last 60 minutes until 27 players remain then 90 minutes until heads-up
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (9:15pm)
  • Single re-entry per day
  • Day 1 will come to an end after Level 10
  • Championship Structure Sheet

12PM: Day 2 – $1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)

2PM: Day 2 – $50,000 Super High Roller

Secondary and Satellite Schedule

10AM: Event 103 – $600 Championship Turbo Satellite (1-in-10)

  • Two seats guaranteed into SHRPO Championship
  • Players begin with 10,000 in chips and 15-minute levels
  • Late registration/re-entry available until start of Level 9
  • This is a one-day tournament and plays until completion
  • Structure Sheet

3PM: Event 104 – $600 Championship Turbo Satellite (1-in-10)

  • Five seats guaranteed into SHRPO Championship
  • Players begin with 10,000 in chips and 15-minute levels
  • Late registration/re-entry available until start of Level 9
  • This is a one-day tournament and plays until completion
  • Structure Sheet

7PM: Event 105 – $1,600 Survivor NLH (Re-Entry)

  • 1-in-10 win $15,000 in cash
  • Players begin with 10,000 in chips and 20-minute levels
  • Late registration/re-entry available until start of Level 7
  • Structure Sheet

8PM: Event 106 – $600 Championship Turbo Satellite (1-in-10)

  • Two seats guaranteed into SHRPO Championship
  • Players begin with 10,000 in chips and 15-minute levels
  • Late registration/re-entry available until start of Level 9
  • This is a one-day tournament and plays until completion
  • Structure Sheet

2021 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open Schedule

Event 31: Jean “Prince” Gaspard Leads the H.O.R.S.E. Championship Final Table

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Returning to Level 19:  10,000/20,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  9 of 78

Day 1 of Event 31, the $1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out), ended with Jean “Prince” Gaspard leading the final table. The remaining nine players will return on Friday at noon and play down to a winner.

Seat 1:  Chris Tryba  –  96,000 (5 big bets)
Seat 2:  Barak Zaken  –  265,000 (13 big bets)
Seat 3:  Esther Taylor  –  200,000 (10 big bets)
Seat 4:  “Miami” John Cernuto  –  98,000 (5 big bets)
Seat 5:  Jean “Prince” Gaspard  –  441,000 (22 big bets)
Seat 6:  John Fahmy  –  120,000 (6 big bets)
Seat 7:  Mark Gallo  –  110,000 (5.5 big bets)
Seat 8:  Sam Panzica  –  74,000 (4 big bets)
Seat 9:  Aaron Kupin  –  155,000 (8 big bets)

Final Table Payouts
1st: $23,185 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd: $15,455
3rd: $10,305
4th: $7,160
5th: $5,200
6th: $3,945
7th: $3,140
8th: $2,630
9th: $2,320

Event 31: Renato Labadan Eliminated in 10th Place by Jean Gaspard

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  8,000/16,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  9 of 78

Omaha 8

On the final hand of Level 18, Jean Gaspard raised from the small blind and Renato Labadan called from the big blind.

The flop was AcQh8d, Gaspard bet and Labadan called.

The turn was the 9d, Gaspard bet again and Labadan called all in for about 11,000.

Gaspard: Ad9h4s2s
Labadan: 6c5d2d2h

Gaspard was in the lead with aces and nines, as well as a good low draw. Labadan had a flush draw along with an inferior low draw than Gaspard.

The river was the As, giving Gaspard aces full of nines to win the pot and eliminate Labadan in tenth place.

Jean Gaspard – 441,000 (28 big bets)
Renato Labadan – Eliminated in 10th Place ($2.320)

Event 31: Sam Panzica Doubles Up; Joshua Ray Bubbles

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  8,000/16,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  10 of 78


Sam Panzica: XxXx / 2x
Mark Gallo: XxXx / 8x
Chris Tryba: XxXx / 6x

Sam Panzica completed, Mark Gallo called and Chris Tryba called.

Sam Panzica: XxXx / 2x2x4x
Mark Gallo: XxXx / 8x7x3x
Chris Tryba: XxXx / 6xKx4x

Gallo took the on-board lead on fourth street and bet, getting called by both Tryba and Panzica. Gallo bet again on fifth street, Tryba called and Panzica called all in for 12,000.

Sam Panzica: XxXx / 2x2x4x2x / Xx
Mark Gallo: XxXx / 8x7x3x3x / Xx
Chris Tryba: XxXx / 6xKx4xQx / Xx

Gallo bet on sixth, Tryba called and both checked on seventh.

Gallo tabled 2x4x10x for an 8-7 low, Tryba mucked and Panzica fanned 5x6x8x for an 8-6 low to win the pot and triple up.

Meanwhile, on the other table, Joshua Ray busted in Omaha 8 shortly thereafter to bubble in 11th place.

Sam Panzica – 120,000 (7.5 big bets)
Joshua Ray – Eliminated

Event 31: On the Money Bubble

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  8,000/16,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  11 of 78

Following the elimination of Donald Maloney in 12th place, play is now hand-for-hand on the money bubble.

Table 71
Seat 1:
Seat 2:
Seat 3:  John Cernuto  –  120,000 (7.5 big bets)
Seat 4:  Barak Zaken  –  130,000 (8 big bets)
Seat 5:  Jean Gaspard  –  335,000 (21 big bets)
Seat 6:  Renato Labadan  –  110,000 (7 big bets)
Seat 7:  Joshua Ray  –  70,000 (4 big bets)
Seat 8:  John Fahmy  –  165,000 (10 big bets)

Table 81
Seat 1:
Seat 2:  Sam Panzica  –  125,000 (8 big bets)
Seat 3:  Mark Gallo  –  60,000 (4 big bets)
Seat 4:  Chris Tryba  –  135,000 (8 big bets)
Seat 5:
Seat 6:  Esther Taylor  –  115,000 (7 big bets)
Seat 7:  Aaron Kupin  –  170,000 (11 big bets)
Seat 8:

1st: $23,185 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd: $15,455
3rd: $10,305
4th: $7,160
5th: $5,200
6th: $3,945
7th: $3,140
8th: $2,630
9th-10th: $2,320

Event 31: Omaha 8 Champion Donny Rubinstein Eliminated

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 17:  6,000/12,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  12 of 78

Stud 8

Event 25 champion Donny Rubinstein was just eliminated in the H.O.R.S.E. championship a little shy of the money.

Esther Taylor: XxXx / 2d
Aaron Kupin: XxXx / 5c
Rubinstein: XxXx / Qh

Esther Taylor was the bring-in, Aaron Kupin completed and Rubinstein raised all in for 9,500. Both Taylor and Kupin called.

Here were the rest of the runouts:

Esther Taylor: XxXx / 2d4d8d9h / Xx
Aaron Kupin: XxXx / 5c7s3s9s / Xx
Rubinstein: XxXx / QhKdAs10c / Xx

With Rubinstein having the on-board lead throughout, first action fell to Taylor and she check-called bets from Kupin the entire way up until seventh street where she led out. Kupin called.

Taylor showed 5h6c7c for a nine-high straight with a 7-6 low, while Kupin tabled Ah2sJc for a 7-5 low.

Rubinstein couldn’t beat either with Ax4x2x for a pair of aces, ending his tournament.

Aaron Kupin – 94,000 (8 big bets)
Esther Taylor – 85,000 (7 big bets)
Donny Rubinstein – Eliminated

With 12 players remaining, the average stack is 130,000 (about 11 big bets). Only 10 players will cash, and Day 1 will conclude when the final table of nine players is reached.

Event 31: A Few Chip Counts From the H.O.R.S.E. Championship

$1,100 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Freeze-Out)
Structure | Payouts
Level 11:  1,500/3,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  42 of 78

Jean Gaspard – 125,000 (42 big bets)
Gabe Ramos – 90,000 (30 big bets)
Donald Maloney – 75,000 (25 big bets)
Donny Rubinstein – 48,000 (16 big bets)
Nick Pupillo – 45,000 (15 big bets)
Renato Labadon – 44,000 (15 big bets)
John Holley – 43,000 (14 big bets)
“Miami” John Cernuto – 37,000 (12 big bets)
Esther Taylor – 36,000 (12 big bets)
Nicholas Marsico – 35,000 (12 big bets)
Nicolas Milgrom – 34,000 (11 big bets)
Sandy Sanchez – 33,000 (11 big bets)
Brian Hastings – 33,000 (11 big bets)
Sam Panzica – 32,000 (11 big bets)
Shelly Roth – 30,000 (10 big bets)
Yuval Bronshtein – 29,000 (10 big bets)
Chris Tryba – 26,000 (9 big bets)
Scott Matejka – 24,000 (8 big bets)
Cory Zeidman – 24,000 (8 big bets)
Isaac Crow – 18,000 (6 big bets)
Zhen Cai – 15,000 (5 big bets)
A.J. Kelsall – 9,000 (3 big bets)
David Shmuel – 9,000 (3 big bets)
David Levi – 7,000 (2 big bets)