WPT Alpha8: Level 18 Report – Steven Silverman Wins!

Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players: 1 of 21

We have a champion at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open. The first-ever Alpha8 champion is Steven Silverman, who takes home the top prize worth $891,660 and a custom WPT Alpha8 trophy. The runner-up is November Niner JC Tran who added $526,890 to his career earnings, and Jeff Gross took third at another WPT final table after finishing in third at WPT Montreal a few months ago.

Action played out quick after the final three players returned from their dinner break. Gross was the first to fall when his K-10 ran into the A-K of Silverman on a board reading A-8-2-J-K. That made the chip counts nearly even for the heads-up final, but Silverman held a slight chip lead.

JC Tran soon took back the chip advantage, but Silverman doubled up in the largest pot of the tournament to cripple Tran. Silverman held pocket nines against the A-J of Tran. The board was dealt 7-5-4-4-5 and Silverman doubled to 1.8 million, a nearly insurmountable 6.5-to-1 chip advantage.

The end came a few hands later as Tran shoved all in preflop with Q-8 only to find that he was dominated by the Q-9 of Silverman. The board provided some drama as the flop came 10-8-5 to give Tran the lead with a pair of eights. The turn was a nine and that gave the advantage back to Silverman, who won the tournament after a queen fell on the river.

Congratulation to Steven Silverman, who is the inaugural WPT Alpha8 champion, and one of the biggest winners here at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open. Stay tuned tomorrow for full final table coverage of the $10 million guaranteed SHRPO Main Event. Cards get into the air at noon ET.

Final Table Results:

1: Steven Silverman – $891,660
2: JC Tran – $526,890
3: Jeff Gross – $364,770
4: Matt Glantz – $243,180

WPT Alpha8: Level 17 Report

Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante
Players: 3 of 21

Level 17 at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open saw two more eliminations and we are now down into the money with just the final three players remaining. Isaac Haxton was the unfortunate bubble boy, who left in fifth place, and Matt Glantz was the first player to cash, taking home $243,180.

On the money bubble Isaac Haxton moved all in preflop with pocket tens and JC Tran called with As Qc. The board ran out Kc Qs 9d 8c 7d and Haxton was the bubble boy.

Glantz was all in for 262,000 preflop on his final hand with 10h 8h in the hole. Jeff Gross called with Ah 6d and the board ran out Ac 8d 7h 9d 4d. After the elimination of Glantz the final three players took a 30-minute dinner break.

Former short stack Steven Silverman is now the chip leader with 850,000, although Jeff Gross (735,000) and JC Tran (505,000) have chips to work with as well.

Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – Eliminated
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 735,000 (45 bb)
Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 850,000 (53 bb)
Seat 6: JC Tran – 505,000 (31 bb)
Seat 8: Matt Glantz – Eliminated

Here is the prize money they are gunning for:

1: $891,660
2: $526,890
3: $364,770

WPT Alpha8: Level 16 Report

Blinds: 6,000-12,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players: 5 of 21

Level 16 at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open saw a pair of Steve Silverman double ups bookend the action.

His first brush with elimination saw Silverman all in with A-3 and he was ahead of the J-9 of Matt Glantz. The board ran out 10-6-3-8-A and Silverman survived. The next time he moved all in near the end of the level Silverman held A-K to dominate the A-9 of Isaac Haxton. The board fell Q-7-4-6-3 and Silverman doubled once again.

The chip stacks really evened out during the last level, with JC Tran holding the slight advantage with 530,000.

Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 420,000 (35 bb)
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 430,000 (35 bb)
Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 260,000 (21 bb)
Seat 6: JC Tran – 530,000 (44 bb)
Seat 8: Matt Glantz – 450,000 (37 bb)

Here is the prize pool they are gunning for:

1: $891,660
2: $526,890
3: $364,770
4: $243,180

WPT Alpha8: Level 15 Report

Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players: 5 of 21

Level 15 at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open saw both Daniel Alaei and Joseph Cheong hit the rail and we are now down to the money bubble.

Daniel Alaei fell when his Ad 7c ran into the pocket nines of Steve Silverman on a board that was dealt As 9h 4d Qs 2s. It was right near the end of the level when Joseph Cheong met his demise. His 6h 5s was behind the Qc 4c of Jeff Gross but he charged to the lead on the 9h 6c 5c flop. The 10c on the turn gave Groff the flush though and Cheong’s tournament run came to an end after the 3s fell on the river.

Glantz still holds the chip lead with 650,000 but after a big double up Isaac Haxton is also above half a million. Steve Silverman is the shorty with less than 10 big blinds.

Seat 1: Daniel Alaei – Eliminated
Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 525,000 (52 bb)
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 355,000 (35 bb)
Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 95,000 (9 bb)
Seat 5: Joseph Cheong – Eliminated
Seat 6: JC Tran – 400,000 (40 bb)
Seat 8: Matt Glantz – 650,000 (65 bb)

Here is the prize pool they are gunning for:

1: $891,660
2: $526,890
3: $364,770
4: $243,180

WPT Alpha8: Level 14 Report

Blinds: 4,000-8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players: 7 of 21

Level 14 at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open saw another player double up to avoid elimination. Jeff Gross held pocket kings against the pocket fours of Matt Glantz and Gross made a full house on a board reading K-3-4-4-2.

Despite doubled up Gross, Glantz was dominant otherwise and he won a multitude of pots to grow his stack to 700,000. Glantz has close to 90 bbs but as these blinds continue to increase we should see some more movement next level since multiple players are under 20 bbs.

Seat 1: Daniel Alaei – 230,000 (28 bb)
Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 500,000 (62 bb)
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 260,000 (32 bb)
Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 140,000 (17 bb)
Seat 5: Joseph Cheong – 115,000 (14 bb)
Seat 6: JC Tran – 380,000 (47 bb)
Seat 8: Matt Glantz – 700,000 (87 bb)

Here is the prize pool they are gunning for:

1: $891,660
2: $526,890
3: $364,770
4: $243,180

WPT Alpha8: Level 13 Report

Blinds: 3,000-6,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players: 7 of 21

Level 13 at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open saw a surprising elimination given his dominant play yesterday. Jason Mercier was eliminated in eighth place after leading for most of Day 1 and coming into Day 2 in second chip-position.

On his final hand Mercier was all in for 61,500 preflop and Daniel Alaei had him covered. Mercier held Jh 10h and Alaei had Ah 6s. The board was dealt Kh Jd 10d 6c 6h and Mercier was knocked out of the tournament.

Other than that bustout though it has been all quiet on the South Florida front as far as eliminations are concerned. Joseph Cheong did score a double up when his pocket threes came from behind to top the pocket fours of Steven Silverman on a board that ran out 10-5-3-A-K

Seat 1: Daniel Alaei – 420,000 (70 bb)
Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 238,000 (39 bb)
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 140,000 (23 bb)
Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 255,000 (42 bb)
Seat 5: Joseph Cheong – 325,000 (54 bb)
Seat 6: JC Tran – 195,000 (32 bb)
Seat 7: Jason Mercier – Eliminated
Seat 8: Matt Glantz – 565,000 (94 bb)

Here is the prize pool they are gunning for:

1: $891,660
2: $526,890
3: $364,770
4: $243,180

WPT Alpha8: Final Table Bios

Daniel Alaei IMG_4240

Seat 1: Daniel Alaei – 293,500

Daniel Alaei is a professional poker player with $6.3 million in lifetime earnings. Alaei has won four World Series of Poker gold bracelets and he won the World Poker Tour Doyle Brunson Five Diamond World Poker Classic during Season VIII. The California native is also a well-respected high-stakes cash game player.


Isaac Haxton IMG_4163

Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 276,000

Isaac Haxton specializes in online high-stakes cash games but he has quite a bit of live tournament success as well. The career earnings for this native of Syracuse, New York stand at $5.7 million. He has two cashes exceeding million dollars in his poker career.


Jeff Gross IMG_4186

Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 120,500

Jeff Gross is a poker professional from Ann Arbor, Michigan and he has found a lot of recent success on the tournament trail. He recently finished in third place at the World Poker Tour Montreal main event and took home $319,238. His career earnings stand at $1.2 million.


Steven Silverman IMG_4260

Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 392,500

Steven Silverman is another player at this final table having a strong run of recent tournament success. He won the European Poker Tour Monte Carlo Grand Final high roller event earlier this year and he was awarded just over $1 million for the victory. That took the lifetime earnings of the young pro up to $2.1 million.


Joseph Cheong IMG_4235

Seat 5: Joseph Cheong – 100,000

Joseph Cheong emerged on the poker scene in a big way at the World Series of Poker main event final table in 2010 when he cashed in third place for over $4 million. Since then he has gone on to become a well-respected high-stakes professional. Cheong now has $8.6 million in lifetime earnings.


JC Tran IMG_4262

Seat 6: JC Tran – 94,000

JC Tran is a poker professional from Sacramento, California who has won $8.2 million in his career. Tran has the opportunity to win much more this November because he is the chip leader for the upcoming World Series of Poker main event final table. He has two WSOP gold bracelets and a World Poker Tour title on his resume.


Jason Mercier IMG_4158

Seat 7: Jason Mercier – 363,500

Jason Mercier is a local poker professional from South Florida. He has career earnings worth $9.7 million and is one of the most successful young players in the game today. Mercier has won two World Series of Poker gold bracelets and two titles on the European Poker Tour. Mercier is another high-stakes tournament specialist at today’s final table.


Matt Glantz IMG_4198

Seat 8: Matt Glantz – 441,500

Matt Glantz can usually be found at the high-stakes cash game tables but he has done well on the tournament felt as well with $4.4 million in career earnings. He won a European Poker Tour high roller event in London, and he has appeared at the $50,000 Poker Player’s Championship at the World Series of Poker an impressive two times.

WPT Alpha8: Level 12 Report

The Alpha8 Champion Trophy
The Alpha8 Champion Trophy

Blinds: 2,500-5,000 with a 500 ante
Players: 8 of 21

Action began today at noon on the final day of the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open. We were just a few minutes into Level 12 when Bill Perkins was eliminated in ninth place and a one-hour break was taken so the set could be reset for the official final table of eight.

On his final hand Perkins was all in with Ac 4h and Isaac Haxton had him covered with Ad 8h. The board ran out Qd 10s 10c 8d 3d and Perkins was eliminated in ninth place.

There have been a number of delays due to the television taping of this prestigious event and the first level of the day just came to a close before 3 p.m.

Here is a look at the chip counts when play began at the final table (bios to follow soon):

Seat 1: Daniel Alaei – 293,500
Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 276,000
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 120,500
Seat 4: Steven Silverman – 392,500
Seat 5: Joseph Cheong – 100,000
Seat 6: JC Tran – 94,000
Seat 7: Jason Mercier – 363,500
Seat 8: Matt Glantz – 441,500

Here is the prize pool they are gunning for:

1: $891,660
2: $526,890
3: $364,770
4: $243,180

WPT Alpha8: Final Day Begins

Cards are now in the air at the World Poker Tour Alpha8 $100,000 super high roller event at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open. Nine players remain in the tournament and we will be playing down to a champion tonight in Hollywood, Florida. Tune back in throughout the day for level-by-level reports of the action. Shuffle up and deal!

Here is a look at the chip counts and seating chart as cards get into the air:

Seat 1: Daniel Alaei – 293,500 (73 bb)
Seat 2: Isaac Haxton – 218,500 (54 bb)
Seat 3: Jeff Gross – 140,500 (35 bb)
Seat 4: Bill Perkins – 89,000 (22 bb)
Seat 5: Steven Silverman – 372,500 (93 bb)
Seat 6: Joseph Cheong – 106,000 (26 bb)
Seat 7: JC Tran – 94,000 (23 bb)
Seat 8: Jason Mercier – 375,500 (93 bb)
Seat 9: Matt Glantz – 410,500 (102 bb)