Event 1: Zach Donovan Leads Final Three Tables

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 29: 40,000/80,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 27 of 3,173

Zach Donovan

Right at the start of Level 29, the field was reduced to 27 players, and they redrew for new seats around the final three tables.

Here’s the top of the leaderboard at the moment:

  1. Zach Donovan – 6,600,000
  2. Josh Robin – 4,475,000
  3. Jonathan Snead – 3,775,000
  4. Nipun Java – 3,675,000
  5. Ana Freitas – 3,620,000

Action is scheduled to continue tonight until the end of Level 32, around 3:00 a.m., unless a winner is miraculously determined before then.

Event 1: Results From 37th to 30th Place

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 28: 30,000/60,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 28 of 3,173

Play has reached the final four tables; here is an updated results list from 37th to 30th place:

30th:  John Simon  –  $5,156
31st:  Michael Rizzuto  –  $5,156
32nd:  Gregory Spinder  –  $5,156
33rd:  Jeff Rodriguez  –  $5,156
34th:  Raj Vohra  –  $5,156
35th:  Gabriel Sack  –  $5,156
36th:  Jie Liu  –  $5,156
37th:  Paul Kelly  –  $4,363

Event 1: Jeff Rodriguez Eliminated by Jonathan Snead

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 28: 30,000/60,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 33 of 3,173

Jonathan Snead

Jeff Rodriguez moved all from UTF for 650,000, Jonathan Snead three-bet all in for around 1,300,000 and everyone folded.

Rodriguez turned over Ah10c and needed to get lucky against Snead’s JhJs.

The board came 8d8s3c4s6h Snead’s pocket jacks held, eliminating Rodriguez in 33rd place.

Jonathan Snead  –  2,000,000
Jeff Rodriguez  –  Eliminated in 33rd place  ($5,156)

Event 1: Dylan Drazen Doubles

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 28: 30,000/60,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 32 of 3,173

Dylan Drazen opened the pot from early position, and the ensuing action left him all in for 985,000 against the player in the big blind.

Drazen: 8c8h
Big blind: AsKc

The Ah9s5d flop put Drazen in bad shape, and the Qc turn meant he had only two outs to the win. It was enough; the river brought the 8s and a last-minute double-up for Drazen.

Dylan Drazen – 2,090,000 (35 bb)

Event 1: Igor Merda Eliminated by John Simon

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 27: 25,000/50,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 39 of 3,173

John Simon

Igor Merda moved all in from UTG for 780,000,  John Simon moved all in on top to get it to heads up. Merda turned over Ad6c and needed to get lucky against Simon’s AsKc.

The board ran out Jd3s10d7c3d and Simon’s king kicked held up, eliminating Merda in 41st place.

John Simon  –  1,200,000
Igor Merda  –  Eliminated in 41st place ($4,363)

Event 1: Ross Ramlal Doubles Through Kurt Jewell

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 26: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 42 of 3,173

It’s been a bit of a white-knuckle ride for Kurt Jewell this evening, as his stack has been bouncing between about 500,000 and 2,000,000. He made the wavy-hand motion, the universal signal for this phenomenon, the last time we walked past, and he had been trending upward at the time. His most recent trend is in the opposite direction, though.

In a recent pot, Ross Ramlal opened with a raise in early position, Jewell called in the cutoff, and the small blind called to create three-way action.

The flop was QdJdJc. The small blind checked, and Ramlal moved all in for 650,000. Jewell spent a couple minutes deliberating before calling to put Ramlal at risk, and the small blind folded out of the way.

Ramlal: AcJh
Jewell: AsQh

Ramlal’s trips had him two cards from a double, and he got it as the 9d turn and 2c river completed the board.

Ross Ramlal – 1,675,000 (42 bb)
Kurt Jewell – 1,725,000 (43 bb)

Event 1: Manny Minaya Doubles Up

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 26: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 47 of 3,173

Manny Minaya

A player in middle position opened with a raise, and Manny Minaya called in the small blind.

The flop was Qc6s5h. Minaya checked, and his opponent moved all in for 400,000 effective. It was a significant overbet of the pot, and Minaya instantly called all in for that amount to put himself at risk.

Minaya: AsAh
Opponent: 4s4d

“Good trap,” the opponent acknowledged. “Good trap.”

The Ad on the turn locked up the pot one card early, and Minaya doubled up as the 8d completed the board on the river.

Manny Minaya – 1,025,000 (26 bb)

Event 1: Josh Robins Leads With Six Tables Left

$570 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 25: 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 53 of 3,173

Josh Robins

Josh Robins made it through the Day 1B flight with 52,000 chips — a productive effort from a 20,000-chip starting stack but nothing to write home about. Today’s restart has been something else, though. As the field shrinks to six tables, Robins sits with more than four million chips and a significant lead over the chase pack.

Robins’ most recent increase came at the expense of Elad Sisso, and the pot began with the former opening to 70,000 in early position. Sisso three-bet shoved for 440,000 across the table, and Robins called to put him at risk.

Robins: 7h7c
Sisso: AdTs

The board ran out Td7s6hKd9s, and Robins flopped a set to all but end it right there. Sisso was eliminated in 54th place, sending his chips over to the leader.

Josh Robins – 4,175,000 (139 bb)
Elad Sisso – Eliminated in 54th place ($3,808)