All posts by Seminole Hard Rock Staff

Event 10: Baumstein Leads Final Table

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$1,100 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$50,000 Guaranteed I Structure I Payouts

Level 19: 5,000/10,000 Big Blind Ante 10,000
Players Remaining: 9 of 92

Table 14
Seat 1:  Leon Toledo –  175,000  (17.5 bb)
Seat 2:  Phillip Consolo  –  100,000  (10 bb)
Seat 3:  Steven Glazerman – 205,000 (20.5 bb)
Seat 4:  Nancy Birnbaum – 285,000 (28.5 bb)
Seat 5:  Daniel Couzens  –  135,000  (13.5 bb)
Seat 6:  Clyde Maliauka  –  175,000  (17.5 bb)
Seat 7:  Scott Baumstein – 375,000 (37.5 bb)
Seat 8:  Long Nguyen  –  100,000  (10 bb)
Seat 9: Benjamin Moschel – 280,000 (28 bb)

1st:  $27,460 + Guitar Trophy
2nd:  $17,000
3rd:  $10,700
4th:  $6,920
5th:  $5,355
6th:  $4,240
7th:  $3,570
8th:  $3,125
9th:  $2,830

10th: Pavel Mateev – $2,830
11th: Matthew Lambrecht – $2,605
12th:  Scott Heiligman – $2,605

That will conclude live updates coverage for tonight. Full results and winner’s photo will be posted tomorrow. Thanks for following along with us!

Event 8: We Have a Deal!

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  6 of 699

After the elimination of David Nathaniel Jr in 7th, the players took a look at ICM numbers based on the chip counts below.

Table 27
Seat 1:  Ronald Campillo  –  5,070,000  (84 bb)
Seat 2: Robert Kessler  –  1,885,000  (31 bb)
Seat 3: Aaron Gunn  –  1,480,000  (28 bb)
Seat 4:
Seat 5: Elias Nassif  –  3,440,000  (57 bb)
Seat 6: Dylan Cecere  –  1,200,000  (20 bb)
Seat 7: Damien Simon  –  1,380,000  (23 bb)
Seat 8:
Seat 9:

The adjusted payouts are:

1st:  $50,000 + Guitar Trophy
2nd:  $39,658
3rd:  $31,078
4th:  $28,118
5th:  $27,322
6th:  $21,349

Congrats to Ronald Campillo on winning the 2022 Everglades Poker Open Main Event! A recap will be written later tonight.

Event 8: Former Seminole Hard Rock POY Nathaniel Jr. Finishes in 7th

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  6 of 699

Jason Heidenthal and POY David Nathaniel, Jr.
Jason Heidenthal and David Nathaniel Jr

2019 – 2020 Seminole Hard Rock Player of the Year, David Nathaniel Jr. saw his deep run come to an end when he moved all-in with Jc10c and was called by Ronald Campillo’s Ah10h. The ace high held for Ronald and the final six players are now looking at ICM numbers.

Ronald Campillo  –  5,070,000  (84 bb)
David Nathaniel Jr.  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($11,310)

Event 8: Aaron Gunn Leaves Maloney with Chip & Chair; Maloney Eliminated in 8th

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  7 of 699

Donald Maloney
Donald Maloney during 2022 Poker Showdown

Aaron Gunn moved all-in for 635,000 and was called by Donald Maloney. The hands were then turned over:

Aaron Gunn: AdKh
Donald Maloney: 9c9d

The  board ran out 7s3sAh6c10c, as Gunn flopped top pair top kicker and faded Maloney’s two outs. Left with one 5k chip in the small blind, Maloney ran his stack back to 70,000. A few hands before posting the big blind and ante, Maloney moved all-in pre flop for 70,000 holding 7d7h. He was called by Campillo and Kessler in the blinds. The board ran out 6d9h10c8cQs with Maloney making a ten high straight that was no good to Campillo’s Jack high straight Js7c.

Aaron Gunn  –  1,300,000  (21 bb)
Donald Maloney –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($8,990)

Event 8: Robert Kessler Cracks Aces; Blumenfield Finishes 9th

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  8 of 699

Neil Blumenfield during 2022 May Deep Stack Series

The action was picked up on the turn with a board reading 6h5h10c8h, Blumenfield moved all-in with AsAc and was quickly called by Kessler’s 5d5c leaving Neil with two outs. The river was the 10h ending Blumenfield’s Main Event run in 9th place.

Robert Kessler  –  2,400,000  (40 bb)
Neil Blumenfield  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($6,750)

Event 8: Approximate Final Table Chip Counts

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 26:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  9 of 699

Table 27
Seat 1:  Ronald Campillo  –  3,200,000  (64 bb)
Seat 2: Robert Kessler  –  750,000  (15 bb)
Seat 3: Aaron Gunn  –  2,600,000  (52 bb)
Seat 4: Donald Maloney Jr.  –  940,000  (18 bb)
Seat 5: Elias Nassif  –  2,800,000  (56 bb)
Seat 6: Dylan Cecere  –  1,200,000  (24 bb)
Seat 7: Damien Simon  –  1,030,000  (20 bb)
Seat 8:  Neil Blumenfield  –  1,250,000  (25 bb)
Seat 9: David Nathaniel Jr.  –  730,000  (14 bb)

Remaining Payouts
1st:  $67,305 + Guitar Trophy
2nd:  $46,340
3rd:  $30,515
4th:  $22,545
5th:  $17,170
6th:  $13,650
7th:  $11,310
8th:  $8,990
9th:  $6,750

Event 8: Elias Nassif Wins Flip to Reach Final Table of 9; Tsiareshka Out 10th

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 25:  20,000/40,000 with a 40,000 ante
Players Remaining:  9 of 699

Elias Nassif
Elias Nassif during 2019 SHRPO

The action folded around to Elias Nassif in the small blind who moved all-in with QsJh covering Tsiareshka who called holding 5d5h. The board ran out Js8h8cJd7s, sending the remaining players to a final table of 9.

Elias Nassif –  2,800,000  (70 bb)
Alex Tsiareshka  –  Eliminated in 10th Place  ($6,750)

Event 8: David Nathaniel Jr. Doubles Thru T.K. Miles

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 25:  20,000/40,000 with a 40,000 ante
Players Remaining:  10 of 699

David Nathaniel during 2016 SHRPO

On a board of 2h3cQc4h9s, Nathaniel’s AdKh held against Miles KsJd leaving T.K. with 45,000. He was eliminated shortly after in 11th place.

David Nathaniel Jr.  –  1,120,000  (28 bb)
T.K. Miles  –  Eliminated in 11th Place  ($5,575)

Event 10: Scott Baumstein Leads at Dinner Break

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$1,100 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$50,000 Guaranteed I Structure I Payouts

Level 13: 1,500/2,500 Big Blind Ante 2,500
Players Remaining: 20 of 92

The final 20 players are now on a 45 minute dinner break with Scott Baumstein currently leading.

Other Notables:
Raminder Singh – 141,500
Benjamin Moschel – 129,000
Samuel Sternfield – 97,000
Leon Toledo – 56,000
Peter Fellows – 49,500
Nancy Birnbaum – 46,500
Philippe Derys – 45,500
Philip Consolo – 41,500
Mario Atroce – 13,500

Event 8: Ronald Campillo Leads Final 11 on Dinner Break

2022 Everglades Poker Open
$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 25:  20,000/40,000 with a 40,000 ante
Players Remaining:  11 of 699

Table 20
Seat 1:  Robert Kessler  –  920,000  (23 bb)
Seat 2:  Ronald Campillo  –  3,380,000  (84 bb)
Seat 3:
Seat 4:
Seat 5:  Dylan Cecere  –  1,125,000  (28 bb)
Seat 6:  Donald Maloney Jr.  –  645,000  (16 bb)
Seat 7:
Seat 8:  Neil Blumenfield  –  1,210,000  (30 bb)
Seat 9:

Table 27
Seat 1:  T.K. Miles  –  635,000  (16 bb)
Seat 2:
Seat 3:  Elias Nassif  –  1,615,000  (40 bb)
Seat 4:  Alex Tsiareshka  –  970,000  (24 bb)
Seat 5:
Seat 6:
Seat 7:  Aaron Gunn  –  2,170,000  (54 bb)
Seat 8:  David Nathaniel Jr.  –  670,000  (17 bb)
Seat 9:  Damien Simon  –  650,000  (16 bb)

1st:  $67,305 + Guitar Trophy
2nd:  $46,340
3rd:  $30,515
4th:  $22,545
5th:  $17,170
6th:  $13,650
7th:  $11,310
8th:  $8,990
9th-10th:  $6,750
11th:  $5,575

The final 11 players are now on a 45 minute dinner break with play resuming at 7:45pm.

12th: Scott Livingston – $5,575
13th:  Nicholas Velentzas – $4,445