2022 Everglades Poker Open
$1,100 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$50,000 Guaranteed I Structure I Payouts
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 Big Blind Ante 10,000
Players Remaining: 9 of 92
Table 14
Seat 1: Leon Toledo – 175,000 (17.5 bb)
Seat 2: Phillip Consolo – 100,000 (10 bb)
Seat 3: Steven Glazerman – 205,000 (20.5 bb)
Seat 4: Nancy Birnbaum – 285,000 (28.5 bb)
Seat 5: Daniel Couzens – 135,000 (13.5 bb)
Seat 6: Clyde Maliauka – 175,000 (17.5 bb)
Seat 7: Scott Baumstein – 375,000 (37.5 bb)
Seat 8: Long Nguyen – 100,000 (10 bb)
Seat 9: Benjamin Moschel – 280,000 (28 bb)
1st: $27,460 + Guitar Trophy
2nd: $17,000
3rd: $10,700
4th: $6,920
5th: $5,355
6th: $4,240
7th: $3,570
8th: $3,125
9th: $2,830
10th: Pavel Mateev – $2,830
11th: Matthew Lambrecht – $2,605
12th: Scott Heiligman – $2,605
That will conclude live updates coverage for tonight. Full results and winner’s photo will be posted tomorrow. Thanks for following along with us!