Championship: Dimitri Vorbe Gets Three Monster Hands in 10 Minutes

$5,250 SHRPO Championship
$3,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31:  125,000/250,000 with a 250,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 1,180

AP Louis Garza and Dimitri Vorbe
AP Louis Garza (left) versus Dimitri Vorbe (right)

AP Louis Garza raised from the button to 600,000, Dimitri Vorbe reraised to 1,750,000, and Garza folded.

Vorbe said, “I have two kings.” Garza said, “No way.”

Vorbe showed KsKh as he took the pot.

Dimitri Vorbe  –  41,000,000  (164 bb)
AP Louis Garza  –  6,200,000  (25 bb)

Dimitri Vorbe won the next pot as well, and then AP Louis Garza limped from the button for 250,000, and Vorbe checked his option in the big blind.

Both players checked to the river on a board of Jc7h5dJh2c, Vorbe bet 900,000, and Garza folded.

Vorbe said, “If I told you I had a full house, would you believe me?” Garza said, “Yes.”

Vorbe showed Js7c for jacks full of sevens as he took the pot.

Dimitri Vorbe  –  42,300,000  (169 bb)
AP Louis Garza  –  4,900,000  (20 bb)

A few hands later, Dimitri Vorbe raised from the button to 600,000, and AP Louis Garza called.

The flop came KdJs10s, Garza checked, Vorbe bet 500,000, and Garza called. The turn card paired the board with the 10c, Garza checked, Vorbe bet 600,000, and Garza folded.

Vorbe said, “I have a full house,” and he showed JhJd for jacks full of tens as he took the pot.

“No way,” said Garza. “What the heck is going on?”

Dimitri Vorbe  –  43,125,000  (173 bb)
AP Louis Garza  –  4,050,000  (16 bb)

That was the last hand before the break. Here are the remaining payouts at stake:

1st:  $929,365 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd:  $674,285