Event 1: Car Wash Reaches 1.8M with a Full House; Raminder Singh Leads with 4.75M

$600 Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  33 of 3,229

Robert "Car Wash" Williams
Robert “Car Wash” Williams

After a flop of Qd3h3c, Robert “Car Wash” Williams checked the big blind, his opponent bet 225,000 from UTG+1, and Williams thought for a long time before he called.

The turn card double-paired the board with the Qs, and both players checked.

The river card was the 7s, Williams bet 300,000, and his opponent thought for a bit before he called. Williams showed QhJs to win the pot with a full house, queens full of threes, and his opponent mucked.

Robert “Car Wash” Williams  –  1,800,000  (30 bb)

There appear to be only two players who currently have more than four million in chips — Raminder Singh and Jose Rivero.

Raminder Singh  –  4,750,000  (79 bb)
Jose Rivero  –  4,050,000  (68 bb)