$100 + $25 No Limit Hold’Em Deep Stack
Blinds 400/800 Ante 100
Players just returned from a 15 minute color up break. There are 63 players remaining. What do poker players typically do on break? Most will run to the restroom and try and beat the line. Others will grab a quick smoke if they are a smoker or a quick snack if they are a snacker. Most, without fail, will stand around and talk to their friends. Those conversations usually go something like this…
“So there I was, I had the nut flush draw and the dude check raised me all in. What else was I supposed to do?”
“And then the queen hit! Two outer! Can you believe it?”
Ah yes, the glory of bad beat stories. It’s entertaining to eavesdrop on the conversations. You can usually tell who the true poker players are. They are the ones nodding their head in agreement, while quietly staring off into space getting ready to focus on the next level.