Event 10: Holding Onto Your Chips…Literally

$150 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 24: 12,000/24,000/4,000 Ante

Everyone has their different chip stacking methods.  Most players (and the dealers) prefer the chips to be in stacks of twenty like this one we saw earlier in the series creating the “Star Wars Imperial Destroyer” look.


Everett Gilmore, who continues to build his stack is now just showing off in this ode the Egyptian Pyramids:

DSC00803And then there is Don Sharogorodski.  We found Don literally holding onto his super-sized stacks to provide some stability in case of a bump or earthquake not to mention keeping them from going to someone else at the table.

LHPO15 Event 10 ChipStack

No matter how you do it, having a ton of chips is always a good thing and can provide a little extra entertainment at the tables like what’s going on here in Event 10.

34 players are still standing as we roll on in Level 24.