$1,650 No Limit Hold’em Purple Chip Bounty
Level 25: 10,000/20,000 with a 2,000 ante
Players Remaining: 2 of 139
Average Stack: 834,000 (41 big blinds)
Josh Beckley raised from the button to 45,000 and Andre Crooks three-bet to 105,000 out of the big blind.
Beckley called and the flop was . Crooks checked and Beckley bet 80,000. Crooks check-raised to 185,000 and Beckely tanked for a minute before calling.
The turn was the and both players checked. The river was the
and Crooks checked. Beckely went all in for about 350,000 and Crooks quickly folded.
Beckley takes the pot and the stacks are almost even again.
Josh Beckley – 860,000
Andre Crooks – 800,000