Event 15 Flight F: 389 Entries and Counting

$600 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 2:  100/100 with a 100 ante
Flight F Entries:  389

Flight 15-F
There are 56 tables in the main tournament room, and nearly every table is in use right now.

As Level 1 comes to an end and Level 2 begins, this final starting flight is up to 389 entries, increasing the tournament total to 3,723 entries, and the total prizepool to more than $1.93 million.

As soon as this field hits 513 entries, the prizepool will be worth more than $2 million, more than doubling the $1 million guarantee.

Registration remains open with unlimited re-entries until the end of the second break, around 10:30 pm.