Event 15: Jordan Redavid Doubles Through Gui Socarras

$1,100 Six-Max Big Stack NLH (Single Re-Entry)
$100,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 with a 8,000 big blind ante
Players Remaining: 9 of 237

Jordan Redavid

Marc MacDonnell raised to 18,000 from under the gun and Gui Socarras called from the small blind. Jordan Redavid three-bet to 45,000 out of the big blind and was called by both MacDonnell and Socarras.

The flop was AsKc2c and Socorras checked. So did Redavid and MacDonnell bet 52,000. Socorras called and Redavid called as well.

The turn was the Tc and Socorras moved all in for about 520,000. Redavid called and was all in for 277,000. MacDonnell folded.

Socarras tabled 8c7c, but was drawing dead against Redavid’s 9c4c.

The river was the irrelevant Qc and Redavid doubled up with the bigger of the two flushes.

“You guys are crazy,” joked MacDonnell after the hand.

Jordan Redavid – 845,000
Gui Socarras – 280,000