Event 31: John Holley – 7th Place ($3,030)

$1,100 Eight-Game Mix (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  10,000/20,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  6 of 90

John Holley
John Holley

During Deuce-to-Seven Triple Draw, Benny Glaser raised from the hijack to 20,000, and John Holley called from the big blind.

First Draw:  Holley drew one, Glaser drew one. Holley checked, Glaser bet, and Holley called all in for 9,000.

Second Draw:  Holley drew one, Glaser stood pat.

Third Draw:  Holley drew one, Glaser stood pat.

Benny Glaser:  9d6c5h3s2d
John Holley:  8d7s5c3dXx

Glaser had a 9-6 low, and Holley was drawing live with an 8-7 low. But Holley’s final card was the Kd for a K-8 low, and Glaser won the pot to eliminate Holley in seventh place.

Benny Glaser  –  260,000  (13 BB)
John Holley  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($3,030)

With six players remaining, the average chip stack is around 300,000 (15 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $4,035 each.