Event 4: Nissim Gozlan — 6th Place ($4,866)

$1,100 Six-Max No-Limit Hold’em (Single Re-Entry)
Level 21: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Heading to Players Remaining: 5 of 114

Nissim Gozlan

After losing consecutive pots to David Jackson and Michael Goldfarb, Stephen Diamantas open-shoved for 160,000. It folded to Nissim Gozlan in the big blind who called off about 50,000.

Diamantas: 3c3d
Gozlan: AcQh

Runout: KcTc8d5hKs

Gozlan never improved and and was eliminated in sixth place.

Stephen Diamantas – 215,000 (26 bb)
Nissim Gozlan – Eliminated in 6th place ($4,866)