Event 4: Ryan Gianquitti – 7th Place ($2,598)

$580 Six-Max NLH (Single Re-Entry)
Level 20: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante | Payouts
Players Remaining: 6 of 146

Ryan Gianquitti

Brandon Miller opened to 18,000 from the button and Ryan Gianquitti moved all in for 95,000 from the big blind. Miller took a quick peek back at his cards and called

Gianquitti: Ah9c
Miller: AsJh

Miller had the dominant hand and Gianquitti missed the entire board as the dealer spread Kd6h2s3s2d to send Gianquitti out in seventh place.

Brandon Miller – 350,000 (44 bb)
Ryan Gianquitti – Eliminated in 7th place ($2,598)