$350 No Limit Hold’em Black Chip Bounty
Level 20: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 3 of 140
Average Stack: 466,000

Howard Talesnick raises to 20,000 from under-the-gun and Carlos Loving three-bets to 45,000 from the big blind.
Talesnick calls and they are heads-up to a flop of . Loving checks and Talesnick moves all in for 115,000. Loving calls.
Loving shows and is in the lead against Talesnick’s
. The turn is the
, giving Talesnick two more outs, but the river is the
and Talesnick is eliminated in fourth.
Talesnick earns $2,240 and Loving moves over the 500,000 chip mark.
Carlos Loving – 560,000
Howard Talesnick – Eliminated