$25,000 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
End of Level 20: 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 6 of 94
The final six players have been sent off for a one-hour dinner break. Play will resume at 9:10 p.m., and action will continue tonight until a winner is determined.
Here’s how the table will stack up when the new level begins:
Seat 1: David Malka -1,885,000 (47 bb)
Seat 2: Tim West -1,355,000 (34 bb)
Seat 3: Nick Yunis – 635,000 (16 bb)
Seat 4: Yevgeniy Timoshenko -1,295,000 (32 bb)
Seat 5: –empty–
Seat 6: –empty–
Seat 7: Sylvain Loosli – 1,940,000 (49 bb)
Seat 8: Nick Petrangelo – 2,300,000 (58 bb)
Seat 9: –empty–
Everyone left is guaranteed to earn six figures this evening. Here are the remaining payouts:
1st: $658,000
2nd: $481,750
3rd: $298,450
4th: $206,800
5th: $133,950
6th: $101,050