$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 12: 4,000/8,000 with a 8,000 ante
Players Remaining: 6 of 24

The players return from break to begin Level 12, with increased blinds of 4,000-8,000, with a big blind ante of 8,000.
Nick Petrangelo was eliminated in seventh place late during the last level, and here are official chip counts from the break for the final six players, followed by the payouts at stake:
Seat 1. Chris Brewer – 347,000 (43 bb)
Seat 2. Jake Schindler – 228,000 (29 bb)
Seat 3. Cary Katz – 674,000 (84 bb)
Seat 4. Sean Winter – 742,000 (93 bb)
Seat 5. Sean Perry – 418,000 (52 bb)
Seat 6. Elio Fox – 591,000 (74 bb)
1st: $512,160 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd: $302,640
3rd: $209,520
4th: $139,680
With six players remaining from a field of 24, the average chip stack is about 500,000 (63 big blinds). Action is scheduled to continue tonight until the end of Level 15, around 12:40 am.