$50,000 Super High Roller
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 16: 6,000/12,000 with a 2,000 ante
Players Remaining: 2 of 19

It took two hands to get Rainer Kempe out of the Super High Roller, both against Jake Schindler.
In the first, the two were heads up to the flop and Kempe bet 15,000. Schindler called, the turn came
and Kempe bet 72,000.
Schindler called again before the river and Kempe checked. Schindler tossed out 125,000 and Kempe took his time to think it through. He had ~155,000 behind and called after a few minutes. Schindler tabled
, Kempe mucked, and was not left with much.
Kempe folded his button the first hand after then called all in on the next after a Schindler open.
Kempe needed help then flopped a ton of outs on the board. The
turn did not help him and the
sent him out in third place for $180,000.
This is the second consecutive deep run in a SHRP Super High Roller for Kempe after he finished third in the WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown version.
Seat 1: Jake Schindler – 740,000 (62 bb)
Seat 2: Nick Schulman – 1,635,000 (136 bb)
Rainer Kempe – Eliminated in 3rd place ($180,000)