$400 Black Chip Bounty NLH (Single Re-Entry)
$30,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 9 of 171

Seat 1: Miguel Solano Rodriguez – 160,000 (16 bb)
Seat 2: Eric Piderit – 285,000 (29 bb)
Seat 3: Brandon Sligh – 330,000 (33 bb)
Seat 4: Andre Bryan – 660,000 (66 bb)
Seat 5: Jamison Alford – 76,000 (8 bb)
Seat 6: Andrew Koski – 410,000 (41 bb)
Seat 7: James Sutherland – 145,000 (15 bb)
Seat 8: Alecia Ackred – 285,000 (29 bb)
Seat 9: Roni Zelichonok – 200,000 (20 bb)
Final Table Payouts
1st: $10,730 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd: $7,140
3rd: $4,210
4th: $2,560
5th: $1,975
6th: $1,635
7th: $1,415
8th: $1,205
9th: $1,000
In-The-Money Finishers
10th: Jimmy Corrales – $1,000
11th: Amit Savani – $890
12th: Alain Mazaira – $890
13th: Wilmer Chavira – $775
14th: Wilfor Marentes Pinto – $775
15th: Abdelilah Fahsi – $775
16th: Michael Scheinberg – $655
17th: Aaron Mahlfeldt – $655
18th: Rafiki Brown – $655
19th: Omar Sader – $525
20th: She Lok Wong – $525
21st: Kevin Kernan – $525
22nd: Daniel Quesada – $525