High Roller: Chance Kornuth Eliminated by Barry Hutter

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 20: 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 105

Chance Kornuth
Chance Kornuth

The decision was made to go hand-for-hand two from the money in order to combat some borderline stalling issues at both tables.

On the first hand of hand-for-hand play, Chance Kornuth put his last 25,000 chips into the pot from early position, and the table folded around to Barry Hutter, who had Kornuth covered in the big blind. The hand at the other table was played to completion, then the cards were turned up with Kornuth at risk.

Kornuth: Js8s
Hutter: Qh7h

The Qs5c3s flop gave Hutter top pair, but Kornuth picked up nine outs to a flush. The turn was the 9h, adding three additional outs to the list. Kornuth needed to find a ten or a spade on the river to stay alive, but he could not. The Qd completed the board, and Hutter won the pot with trip queens.

Kornuth was eliminated in 16th place, bringing the field onto the direct money bubble. The next player eliminated will leave empty-handed, while the 14 who outlast him will each be guaranteed to earn at least $61,688.

Barry Hutter – 1,250,000 (42 bb)
Chance Kornuth – Eliminated

High Roller: Chance Kornuth Survives

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 20: 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 105

Marvin Rettenmaier raised from the hijack to 65,000, Chance Kornuth was already all in from the button for his remaining ante, and both blinds released.

Rettenmaier: 3s2h
Kornuth: Kc4c

The board ran out Qh8d7cAd6c, safe for Kornuth to survive.

“My name is Marvin Rettenmaier and I play the board,” joked Kornuth after the hand.

Chance Kornuth – 40,000 (1 bb)
Marvin Rettenmaier – 1,520,000 (51 bb)

High Roller: Martin Kozlov Doubles Through Chance Kornuth

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 20: 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 105

Martin Kozlov raised all in for 235,000 from middle position and Chance Kornuth reraised all in from the small blind for a total of 240,000. Dan Colman folded his big blind.

Kozlov: Ah4h
Kornuth: 9d9s

The board came down Qs8c4d4cQc, giving Kozlov fours full of queens to double up.

Martin Kozlov – 535,000 (18 bb)
Chance Kornuth – 5,000 (1 ante)

High Roller: Short Stacks Nearing the Money Bubble

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 19: 12,000/24,000 with a 4,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 105

Here is a look at the shortest stacks with 16 players remaining. 14 players make the money.

Tom Marchese – 380,000 (16 bb)
Daniel Strelitz – 330,000 (14 bb)
Francisco Picasso – 260,000 (11 bb)
Nick Schulman – 255,000 (11 bb)
Andjelko Andrejevic – 240,000 (10 bb)
Martin Kozlov – 225,000 (9 bb)
Chance Kornuth – 220,000 (9 bb)

High Roller: Three in a Row for Dan Colman

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 19: 12,000/24,000 with a 4,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 105

Andjelko Andrejevic raised to 50,000 from the hijack, Dan Colman shoved from the button with the chip leading stack, the blinds folded, and Andrejevic folded.

The following hand, Colman shoved from the cutoff and got no action again.

The next hand, Colman raised to 50,000 from the hijack and Barry Hutter called from the big blind.

The flop fell 5h4d2s and Hutter check-folded to a contination bet from Colman.

Dan Colman – 1,575,000 (65 bb)
Barry Hutter – 1,130,000 (47 bb)

High Roller: Final Two Tables

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 18: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 16 of 105

With the elimination of Joe Kuether, the field was reduced to 16 players, and they’ve just redrawn for new seats around the final two tables. Here’s how they’re laid out:

Table 1
Seat 1: Nick Schulman – 335,000
Seat 2: Nick Petrangelo – 605,000
Seat 3: Tom Marchese – 310,000
Seat 4: Joseph Cheong – 1,100,000
Seat 5: Francisco Picasso – 195,000
Seat 6: Jan Schwippert – 440,000
Seat 7: Rainer Kempe – 655,000
Seat 8: Ray Qartomy – 980,000

Table 2
Seat 1: Marvin Rettenmaier – 1,180,000
Seat 2: Andjelko Andrejevic – 395,000
Seat 3: Chance Kornuth – 460,000
Seat 4: Dan Colman – 1,290,000
Seat 5: Daniel Strelitz – 400,000
Seat 6: Byron Kaverman – 640,000
Seat 7: Martin Kozlov – 200,000
Seat 8: Barry Hutter – 1,130,000

High Roller: Joe Kuether Eliminated by Dan Colman

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 18: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 17 of 105

Joe Kuether
Joe Kuether

Joe Kuether had his stack whittled all the way down to about 120,000 when he moved all in from early position. Daniel Colman called in the big blind to put him at risk.

Kuether: KcQs
Colman: Ks4h

The board ran out Ac6d4d9cKd, and Colman came from behind to win the pot with kings up. Kuether was eliminated.

Dan Colman – 1,290,000 (65 bb)
Joe Kuether – Eliminated

High Roller: Pratyush Buddiga Eliminated by Rainer Kempe

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 18: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 18 of 105

Pratyush Buddiga
Pratyush Buddiga

Daniel Strelitz opened to 45,000 under the gun, and Pratyush Buddiga three-bet shoved for 69,000. Rainer Kempe called from the small blind, and Strelitz called the remainder to create action on the side.

The board ran out Jh6c4c3dKc, with the two live players checking through the turn. On the river, Kempe bet, and Strelitz folded to leave him heads up for the knockout.

Kempe: KdTc
Buddiga: Ad4d

Kempe rivered a pair of kings to earn the knockout pot, and Buddiga was eliminated.

Rainer Kempe – 755,000 (38 bb)
Pratyush Buddiga – Eliminated

High Roller: Daniel Strelitz Doubles Through Pratyush Buddiga

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 18: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 18 of 105

Daniel Strelitz raised all in from the cutoff for 195,000 and Pratyush Buddiga isolated from the small blind.

Strelitz: 9c9h
Buddiga: 7c7h

The board ran out Jd5c4c4h8s, safe for Strelitz to double up.

Daniel Strelitz – 428,000 (21 bb)
Pratyush Buddiga – 75,000 (4 bb)

High Roller: Nick Petrangelo Doubles Through Jan Schwippert

$25,500 High Roller No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 18: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 18 of 105

Nick Petrangelo raised all in from the hijack for 203,000 and Jan Schwippert called from the big blind with KcKd, leading Petrangelo’s Ac10h.

The board came down 9h6d2c3dAh, giving Petrangelo a pair of aces on the river to double through Schwippert.

Nick Petrangelo – 454,000 (23 bb)
Jan Schwippert – 440,000 (22 bb)