Championship Day 1B: New Featured Table on the Live Stream

$3,500 LHPO Championship (Re-Entry)
$2,000,000 Guaranteed  |  Structure  |  Live Stream
Level 9:  1,000/1,500 with a 1,500 ante
Day 1B Players Remaining:  288 of 580

During the break, they swapped out a new table to the live-stream stage. Here is the lineup with official chip counts:

Seat 1.  Curtis King  –  170,000  (113 bb)
Seat 2.  Joseph Petrolino  –  115,000  (77 bb)
Seat 3.  James Calderaro  –  41,000  (27 bb)
Seat 4.  Andrew Yurchak  –  46,800  (31 bb)
Seat 5.  Carlos Bermudez  –  74,700  (50 bb)
Seat 6.  Giulherme Pessoa  –  50,000  (33 bb)
Seat 7.  Denis Cyr  –  26,700  (18 bb)
Seat 8.  David Granik  –  176,000  (117 bb)
Seat 9.  Frank Russo  –  68,000  (45 bb)

Action will continue tonight until the end of Level 10 (about 11:15 pm).