Championship: Justin Carey Eliminated in 32nd Place by Martins Adeniya

$3,500 LHPO Championship (Re-Entry)
Prizepool: $3,718,400  |  Payouts  |  Results 
Level 24:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  31 of 1,162

Justin Carey
Justin Carey

Justin Carey raised from the hijack to 270,000, leaving himself 5K behind, and Martins Adeniya reraised from the cutoff. Everyone else folded.

With a $3,700 pay jump at stake, Carey used his remaining handful of Time Chips to tank for several minutes before he called all in for 275,000 with KcQs.

Adeniya turned over AhKs, and Carey was dominated as he faced elimination.

The board came Kh7h2s5d7c, and Adeniya won the pot with a pair of kings to eliminate Carey in 32nd place.

Martins Adeniya  –  3,910,000  (78 bb)
Justin Carey  –  Eliminated in 32nd Place  ($19,400)

With 31 players remaining from a field of 1,162, the average chip stack is around 1,875,000 (38 big blinds). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $23,100 each.

There will be a redraw when the field gets down to the final three tables (24 players), and at that point, blind levels will increase to 90 minutes. Action is scheduled to continue tonight until there are seven players remaining for tomorrow’s live-streamed final table.