$2,200 Six-Max NLH
Blinds 800/1,600/200 ante
11 Players Remaining, 135k avg (84 bb)
On the last hand before break, Barry Hutter is all in for ~50k with , but runs smack into Vlad Varlashin’s .
Hutter’s elimination sends 11 players on break, two spots from the money.
Table 1
Seat-Name-Chip Count
1 Evan Teitelbaum 164,900
2 Justin Zaki 172,600
3 Jeff Trudeau 262,200
5 Vlad Varlashin 160,200
6 Lane Phillips 41,800
Table 2
Seat-Name-Chip Count
1 George Dolofan 106,200
2 Jonathan Marks 122,300
3 Zo Karim 89,600
4 Guillermo Hamilton 69,000
5 Corey Burbick 73,200
6 Chad Eveslage 213,300