Event 14: Dinner Break Until 9:21 p.m.

$1,100 Triple Stack NLH (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $302,640  |   Structure  |  Payouts
Level 26:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 312

Seat 2.  Nicholas Chong  –  3,460,000  (69 bb)
Seat 3.  Kevin DiPasquale  –  680,000  (14 bb)
Seat 5.  Matthew Lambrecht  –  2,435,000  (49 bb)
Seat 6.  Rafael Rodriguez  –  2,770,000  (55 bb)

1st:  $60,340 + LHPO Trophy
2nd:  $41,500
3rd:  $31,000
4th:  $23,100