$600 T.O.R.S.E. (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 23: 40,000/80,000 Limits
Players Remaining: 2 of 84

David Tarbet: /
Michael Dreese: /
David Tarbet was the bring-in for 10,000, Michael Dreese completed to 40,000, Tarbet raised to 80,000, and Dreese called.
Dreese bet 40,000 on fourth street, Tarbet called, Dreese bet his remaining 30,000 on fifth street, and Tarbet called.
David Tarbet: /
Michael Dreese: /
Dreese caught a non-helpful on sixth while Tarbet locked up the hand with the
to make trips, rendering seventh street moot and ending Dreese’s tournament in third place.
David Tarbet – 1,020,000 (13 BB)
David May – 1,080,000 (14 BB)
1st: $13,860 + LHPO Trophy
2nd: $8,435
3rd: Michael Dreese – $5,245
4th: Alan Katsnelson – $3,550
5th: Tom Koral – $2,700
6th: John Capitano – $2,165
7th: Ilya Levitin $1,795
8th: Joshua Thatcher $1,515
9th: Lavonne Schaafsm $1,395
10th: Ariel Mantel $1,300
11th: Stephen Reid $1,300