Event 28: Prizepool and Payouts

$2,200 Deep Stack Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
LevelĀ 7: 600/1,200
Players Remaining: 35 of 79

Registration is now closed for Event 28, and the numbers are in.

A total of 79 entries were purchased for this Pot Limit Omaha event, generating a prizepool worth $158,000. That money will be shared by the final 9 players thusly:

1st: $47,400
2nd: $33,180
3rd: $21,330
4th: $15,800
5th: $11,850
6th: $9,480
7th: $7,900
8th: $6,320
9th: $4,740

The winner will also receive the glass trophy for this event, one of the last few trophies left to be handed out in this series.