$200 + $40 Omaha Eight or Better
Blinds: 400/800 – Limits: 800/1.6k
It’s a relatively new poker rule but it’s in the books. Players cannot check the nuts on the river when they are last to act. The rule is there to prevent collusion but it doesn’t come up very often. It might happen a little more in Omaha tournaments and we just had one at Table 39.
The 4-seat, we will not mention his name unless he wins, did just that when he was holding the nut straight with no low on the board. He was last to act and showed his hand. “I didn’t even know I had the nuts,” he tried to bargain his way out of the penalty, “I thought I just had two pair.”
No matter, he was given the penalty but it was reduced from one orbit down to two hands. “Put him in the corner,” yelled a player from the Table 40.