Finale Day 3: Adam Levy – 13th Place ($49,640)

$10,000 WPT Seminole Hard Rock FinaleĀ 
Level 21: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 12 of 342
Average Stack: 1,140,000 (57 bb)

Adam Levy out of the $10K WPT Finale
Adam Levy out of the $10K WPT Finale

Aditya Prasetyo was in early position and made it 45,000 to go. It folded to Adam Levy in the small blind and he shoved for 271,000. Anthony Zinno folded his big blind and it was back on Prasetyo. He took a bit to think before he called putting Levy at risk.

Prasetyo: AhJh
Zinno: KcQc

The runout came JcTs5c5dTd giving Prasetyo a pair and earning him the pot. Levy busted 13th for $49,640.

Aditya Prosetyo – 875,000 (43 bb)
Adam Levy – Eliminated in 13th place ($49,640)