Event 52: Brock Wilson – 5th Place ($49,000)

$5,000 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $726,750  | Structure  |  Payouts
Level 23:  15,000/30,000 with a 30,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 153

Brock Wilson was all in from the small blind for 225,000 against Michael Berk in the big blind.

Wilson:  KsJd
Berk:  Ac5c

The board came AhJs7h7s6c, not enough help to Wilson, ending his tournament in fifth place.

Michael Berk  –  1,150,000  (38 bb)
Brock Wilson  –  Eliminated in 5th Place  ($49,000)

With four players remaining from the field of 153 entries, the average stack is about 765,000 (26 big blinds). The remaining players are guaranteed $65,000.